Well, that was an interesting night for Mrs. Screencaps My wife will probably kill me for writing about this, but it's too good to pass up and it's been too long since she's provided me with Screencaps fodder. Mrs. Screencaps is notorious for seeing things in the ceiling at night where she wakes up and starts looking up as things are going on above her. Last night, I was going to bed after watching the Tampa-Philly game and the bedroom light was on and she was up telling me there were big spiders hanging from the ceiling. Yes, she was out of it. By Thursday night, she's ready for the weekend and starts having dreams/nightmares of spiders hanging from the ceiling. I just went to bed. By now I'm used to this stuff and it was just a normal night. Well, I'll be damned if there wasn't a tiny spider on the ceiling hanging out. She took out that spider and went back to bed only to have more massive spiders (again, in her dreams) hanging from the ceiling later in the night. Nope, she doesn't drink. I blame it on the video games, movies she watches & having two boys causing random chaos throughout the day. Here I am having nightmares of John Taylor catching a pass from Joe Montana to ruin my childhood, and there she is waking up in the middle of the night to battle monsters in the ceiling. I guess we all have our own thing and opposites attract. I've never had monsters hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the night and she's never dreamt of David Klingler ruining her life. And then this morning we have a laugh about it and off she goes to work. I just ask that she doesn't attack me thinking I'm the spider or monster in the ceiling. So far, so good. • I love to test readers with little nuggets to see if they're paying attention to random locations. Thursday I mentioned my local Chinese restaurant owned by one of the craziest owners in the history of Chinese restauranting. I like to say that you haven't truly had Yum Yummy until the lady insults you in some fashion. Joe T. writes: Hi Joe, I always enjoy reading your Screencaps. I also live in northwest Ohio, and when I read your comments about Yum Yummy I about fell out of my seat laughing. My wife and I love that place but it’s always a joke about who has to order it and who has to get it. Almost every time we do, the lady calls back to yell at me because my wife isn’t there yet, even if she has not been as long as the food was supposed to take. I thought it was just us, but I think it’s awesome that she is equal opportunity in her insults. If you really want to get her going, try special ordering sometime. My kids don’t really like vegetables so I would try to order something without vegetables. After doing that for two or three times, I finally just decided to just get their food from somewhere else to avoid the abuse :-) Thanks for being so positive to start the day. Have a great one. • By now you guys know all about Mike T. in Idaho & his wife, Cindy, going on their big three-week cross-country adventure. Tonight's stop is in Ann Arbor and Mike needs suggestions: We are spending in Ann Arbor. I have this serious addiction to pizza and haven’t tried Detroit style. I read that Buddy’s pizza in Ann Arbor is a good representation of Detroit style pie? Your thoughts? I have to be honest, I've never had pizza in Ann Arbor that I can remember. I'm more of a Zingerman's, Red Hawk and Arbor Brewing kind of guy when I'm up there, but it looks like Arbor closed its downtown location. Anyone have a secret Detroit-style pizza suggestion for Mike T. & Cindy T.? Email: joekinsey@gmail.com and I'll forward it to them. • Anyone headed to Tahoe this weekend to take fall photos with the family? Ladies trip? Pat S. has a suggestion: Joe, love your work! Firesign Restaurant in Tahoe City is a must! We discovered it on a ski trip 30 years ago, and while I have not been back there in quite a while, I still salivate when thinking of their breakfasts!! Absolutely stellar food in an awesome area!! https://www.firesigncafe.com/about On a side note - also a big fan of Treetops as we did a guys trip there for about 15 years running. The Fazio and Jones courses are superb!. You also need to go play The Legend at Shanty Creek near Bellaire. It was our 1st stop on the trip when we played, always our favorite course of anywhere we went. Stunning views, challenging, fair, and playable!! Keep up ALL the good work, and your Dad is in my thoughts and prayers! • Laurie H. has a suggestion for anyone looking for a mom & pop on the north side of Cincinnati. Maybe you're heading to Kings Island this weekend and you need a place to eat that isn't Kings Island. Laurie writes: Fireside Cafe in Liberty Township, Ohio. Family owned-food is great and one of the few places around here that hasn’t started closing at 8. They managed to stay open during the quarantines and we try and eat there a few times a month. • And let's get another suggestion in from Indy Daryl who knows of places all over the United States. Little Bohemia - Manitowish Waters, WI Fun fact: it was the site of a famous John Dillinger shoot-out, and yes they have a dining room called “The Bullet Room” because there are still bullet holes in it. Public Enemies (Johnny Depp movie) was filmed partially there as well. It’s a great place with really good food, and I suggest the fish fry, the Pork Shank, and if they have it their Lake superior whitefish special. • That's interesting Indy Daryl brought up John Dillinger. This week, the History of Dayton (OH) Facebook page posted Dillinger's 1933 mugshot after he was arrested when his girlfriend's landlady snitched him out. Dillinger was in town hooking up with Mary Jenkins Longnaker, whose brother was a convicted murderer who was locked up in Indiana with Dillinger. So JD's carrying on this relationship, robbing banks, etc., etc. In September of 1933, Dayton police took down Dillinger, who was carrying five revolvers, plenty of ammo and $2,604 in cash. • And finally, how about a story that will brighten your Friday. We all made it to another weekend full of pumpkins, pumpkin beers, football, more football, more pumpkin beers, maybe a pot of chili and cornbread. It's my hope that Screencaps has done its job. Have a great weekend. Email: joekinsey@gmail.com Numbers from : Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like: