'F**k Off': Joe Rogan Unloads On People Pushing Unhealthy Eating Standards
Joe Rogan isn't impressed by people who want to promote unhealthy eating standards.
The University of British Columbia in Canada recently published an article from dietician Negar Karami that backed nutritional information being removed from food being served at the school because it might cause some problems for people, according to Fox News. Specifically, it might "be triggering to" individuals who struggle with eating disorders.
The article read in part:
It can be triggering for those with disordered eating habits or eating disorders. For those of us who have a rocky relationship with food, either in the past or present, it can be triggering when we are presented with caloric information and it can affect our ability to repair our relationship with food. By stepping away from nutrition information, we can place a greater focus on the enjoyment of food and creating a satisfying experience.
As Rogan listeners would expect, the UFC commentator and comedian wasn't impressed at all by what was shared.

Joe Rogan is a big believer in healthy lifestyle habits. (Photo by Chris Unger/Zuffa LLC)
"F*ck off fat professors. F*ck off. You guys are unhealthy. It's not in any way good," Rogan said on a recent episode of his podcast when discussing the situation with Derek of "More Plates, More Dates," according to the same Fox News report.
The legendary podcaster further added, "They're raising the most non-resilient people possibly known to man, where every single micro-aggression, every single thing that can trigger you, all those are removed, and you are just raw and vulnerable."
Joe Rogan has been on a heater lately.
Rogan has been all over the place lately, and several bits of this podcast have blown up. First, Rogan went viral for mocking Liver King's apology for lying about using steroids, and now, he's ripping people who want to remove nutritional information from food.
Seriously, what kind of idiot thinks that's a good idea? The CDC believes more than 40% of adult Americans are obese.

Joe Rogan rips the idea of removing nutritional information. (Photo by Michael S. Schwartz/Getty Images)
I understand this document is from Canada, but the logic applies south of the border. How do you combat obesity if you don't know what you're eating? Nutritional information is a key factor in making healthy decisions.
Trust me, I used to chug Mountain Dew all day. One of the reasons I stopped was because I actually read the nutrition label. If you're against people having access to that information at the very moment of consumption, you're setting individuals up for failure.
If food facts hurt your feelings, you're soft just like Rogan argued. It's not rocket science.

Joe Rogan supports healthy eating. He ripped people against pushing healthy habits. (Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)
Props to Rogan for continuing to be a voice of reason. It's too bad more people don't feel the same. We're truly living in crazy times.