Fitness Influencer Jen Selter Is A Fan Of Sunsets, Key Alves Is Ready For Texas & Jim Harbaugh Is Back

It's Friday!

Today is the last Friday in July.  NFL training camps are underway and August arrives next week.  You know what that means, football is right around the corner.

I don't know why I'm so excited.  I'm in for another miserable year of rooting for a David Tepper-owned Carolina Panthers team, which seriously has this guy as the starting quarterback.

Tell me with a straight face that I should expect anything more than at most two or three wins this upcoming season.  Anyway, that's a worry for another day.  Future me problems.

Before that arrives, I get to watch the Yankees back their way into a postseason spot before getting bounced by a team they have no business losing to.

Same stuff different year with them.

Onto better things, like finding out that I'm not the only one who has started their day off recently with a cup, or in my case, a Yeti tumbler, filled with vinegar coffee.

Coffee pot cleaning

- Michael F writes:

A little late but my days been crazed- excellent work on Screencaps. Regarding coffee pot cleaning. Did the same thing a month or so ago. Ninja coffeemaker has a bladder in the water reservoir that needs to be drained or it retains the vinegar resulting in a lousy start to the day. 


We all have our challenges to overcome.  I hope you were able, as I was, to soldier on through the ordeal.  If you remember, I put down two tumblers of the stuff the other day.

response to "you getting to a baseball game"

- Clay W writes:

From Columbus:  My adult son, an avid Crew soccer fan, was bering to the MLS all Star game last night. He had an extra ticket so thanks to Translate on his phone, he offered it to the uber drive who only spoke spanish. The my son paid the $40 parking fee and escorted the driver into the game. The guy was thrilled, even in spanish. Later  "He FaceTimed his wife and baby and they all thanked me. He used Google translate and said, "thank you for my first game ever in a stadium.

I am from Venezuela. I love Rondon! I am sorry Messi did not play but I am so proud of Rondon. 4-1! I live very close to here and am always at your service!"

So proud my son made this man’s day. They both will keep that memory for a long time.
Just proves that even with all of the political garbage we are still human and caring.

Keep up the good "bullpen" work.


That's the power of sports.  I'm not a fan of soccer, but I get how this can bring people together.  It's a great dad story as well.  You raised the kid right.

Charlotte Minor League Sports

- Jake from Charlottesville, VA writes-


Saw your note about going to minor league games in Charlotte.  I live in Charlottesville, VA, and so outside of some University of Virginia games of various sports, I have to travel with my family to go see sporting events.  As far as sports fandom goes, my number one is hockey.

I'm not about to pay ridiculous money to go see the Caps in DC, so I've been down to Bojangles Arena in Charlotte a couple times to see the Checkers play.  Despite the fact that the arena is kind of a dump, the experience is fantastic.  The seats are cheap and available on the secondary market, the concession choices are wide and not too bad price-wise, the hockey is high quality, the entertainment in between the action is good, and the fans are better than one would expect for minor league hockey in a southern city. 

Also, I have family that I can stay with in the area, so lodging is free.  Anyways, I'm a big fan of what they've got going on there, so I'm planning on making attending a game there at least an annual thing, if not more often.


I live 20 or so minutes from Bojangles and have been to a few Checkers games over the years.  I agree.  The games there are great.  Minor league hockey is awesome.

Going to a Charlotte Knights game is a completely different experience.

If I'm going to a baseball game, call me old school, but I want to sit and watch the game or see the occasional home run to the junk - true story that happened a couple of rows away from us during a game a few years ago.

The guy had his hands full of the finest concession offerings and took a direct shot from a homer.  That was awesome.

I'm not a fan of the people that show up to a game to do anything and everything except watch the actual game.  There's a lot of that going on at Knights games.


- Caleb from PA writes:


Hope all is well. You are doing a great job this week, as always. I appreciate the change of pace in Instagram models, email topics, etc. 

I’ve attached a grilling photo, not because I’m a great griller by ANY stretch of the imagination, but as you’ll see, at least I know to put the cheese on AFTER THE BURGER IS COOKED (unlike our illustrious Senate Majority Leader). I told my wife wings are on the to-grill list. 

Any recommendations from you or the Screencaps community on best grill cleaning apparatuses? 

Have a great Friday and weekend! 


Love it Caleb.  I'm not what I would consider a great griller either, and you don't have to be.  Just get out there and do it and the more you do it the better you'll become.

I love food off the grill and that's a great place to start.  As long as you're not a completely out of touch psycho like Chuck Schumer, you should be fine.

I'm going to do wings as well.  Unfortunately, my wife isn't crazy about wings.  So I'll have to catch my older kids when they're hungry and toss a couple dozen on the grill.

Vacation grilling!

- Homebrew Bill writes:

Grilled mahi mahi and yellow fin tuna caught a couple days ago by some friends we're vacationing with. Wanted to take a picture on the grill but it was raining. Tasted awesome!


Bill, your dedication to the grill is unrivaled.  I don't think anyone hits it as hard, rain or shine, at home or on the road.  Incredible work as usual here.

Kelce Over Saturation

- John W writes:

Eagles fan and property owner in same sure town….please make it stop….but it fits with TNML


I get it, but at the same time, he's got to strike while the iron's hot.  With a brother dating Taylor Swift, that iron ain't getting any hotter.

His time will eventually come to an end.  We'll all know it when he starts pimping copper-infused products.


That's all for today.  It's raining here, but hopefully there's plenty of sunshine where you are.  Hopefully you'll be able to sneak out of the office a few hours early today and get the weekend started early.

Have a great day.  Keep sending in anything and everything to

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.