Male Karen Snaps Kid's Fishing Pole During Heated Argument: VIDEOS

A man is going viral on the internet, and it's not for a positive reason.

TikTok user @FishnShi shared a trio of videos showing a man snapping a kid's fishing pole because he was allegedly fishing where he wasn't allowed.

Instead of having a peaceful conversation, the videos show a guy with major HOA president energy arguing with children before destroying their property.

At one point prior to breaking the kid's fishing pole, the man threatened to throw the kid's phone in the lake for filming him. Totally normal and rational behavior from a grown adult!

You can watch all three parts below, and hit me with your thoughts at

Man snaps kid's fishing pole during humiliating interaction.

I honestly don't even know what to say to these videos other than it really makes you lose faith in humanity. The kids were fishing. Right, wrong or indifferent, they weren't a threat to anyone. If they weren't allowed to be there, which appears to be unknown at this time, then let the cops deal with it.

What you don't do as a grown man is march down to the water, start screaming at them, threaten to throw their phone in the water and then snap one of their fishing poles. The video descriptions claim it was a $200 pole. If that's true, then somebody better be ready to write a big check.

How miserable does your life need to be in order to behave in this fashion? Yes, kids can be annoying. Yes, people don't like being filmed. However, none of that excuses snapping a kid's fishing pole.

We also all know this clown would *NEVER* approach a pair of full grown adult males in this fashion. He did it because it was two kids he knew didn't pose a threat. You talk trash like that to the wrong dude or break his stuff, and you might be in a world of hurt. 

Plus, aren't we supposed to be encouraging kids to get outside and enjoy nature? I guess that doesn't apply when HOA president male Karen is around. Next time, crack a beer and relax. Life is too short to get outraged like this. Let me know at if you agree.

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.