Female Bricklayer Made More Than $12K In A Week After Deciding To Start An OF To 'Shake The Hornet's Nest'

Female bricklayer Darcie Richards got her start in bricklaying from her father. He was a bricklayer himself and passed that knowledge down to his children, including his content creator daughter.

The 28-year-old from Norfolk, England used her occupation to get into content creating. Prior to launching an OnlyFans, she spent four or five years building a following with bricklaying content.

Feeling that her bricklaying-related content had started to get stale and it wasn't progressing any further she decided to spice things up. That's when Richards shifted gears.

She went from doing the same bricklayer content over and over to becoming an OnlyFans content creator. The switch expanded her content and added to her bank account.

"I thought, 'I want to make more money. What could I do that's gonna absolutely shake the hornet's nest?'" she told the NY Post. "So I thought I'll start myself an OnlyFans page."

The Career Change From Female Bricklayer To Content Creator Has Been A Lucrative One

The move has paid off for Richards. Although she admits it wasn't an easy transition. Her first week on OnlyFans she received a bunch of hate, but much like the hate she received on her bricklaying content she's learned to block it out.

The money she's been making has helped out with that. She makes roughly $20k a month on OnlyFans. With her best week to date, according to the NY Post, earning her $12,340.

Needless to say, that's been enough for Richards to turn her attention to content creating full-time. Although, she hasn't left her first love, bricklaying, entirely behind. She's still putting in two days a week on the job site.

Her family has been supportive of her move from full-time bricklayer to full-time OnlyFans content creator. Richards' mom said of her career change, "Darcie hasn’t changed a single bit in herself."

She continued, "She's still our daughter, she's still exactly the same as what she was before, except she'll disappear into her bedroom for three or four hours, then five times as much as the boys who have been slogging it out on the building site."

That doesn't mean mom doesn't have some concerns, but those concerns will have to wait. Richards is in content mode with the goal of banking enough money to one day put her phone down and live a comfortable life probably doing some bricklaying somewhere.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.