Famous Fighter Stuns America With Sandy Hook Apology 11 Years Later

Not a lot shocks me in this job anymore. When you blog about the internet for a living, you become pretty numb to all of it. 

So far just this morning, I've blogged about Rachel Maddow gushing over Kamala Harris, and Nick Saban working Cover-2 drills during 9/11. Didn't even faze me. Rubber bullets, baby. 

But sometimes – every once in a while – I stumble upon something that truly befuddles me. Something I can't quite wrap my brain around. 

That happened this morning when I hopped on Twitter, and somehow stumbled upon a Ronda Rousey apology tweet for her insensitive remarks on the Sandy Hook tragedy. The famous fighter – is she still? I don't know – retweeted some conspiracy video about that terrible day, and it upset everyone. Naturally. It was dumb then, it's dumb now. 

But here's the kicker … Ronda did this 11 years ago. Not yesterday. Not this week. Not this morning. ELEVEN years ago. 

And she decided today – Aug. 23, 2024 – was the day for the big apology. At 1:49 a.m.

America reacts to Ronda Rousey

What a twist. Here I was, thinking for the past decade+1 years that I would never get a Ronda Rousey apology for her Sandy Hook retweet, and then BAM – I get 500 words at 1:49 a.m. on a random Friday in August. 

What a time to be alive. You see a lot of odd things on Twitter. This one goes to the top. 

For those confused – and that was literally the entire internet – Ronda apparently did some sort of Reddit AMA last night, and the wrestling fanatics kept cooking her over the retweet. The internet never forgets. Don't you forget it. 

Anyway, that apparently upset Ronda enough and pushed her to pen this novel at 1 in the morning. Better late than never, I reckon. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.