Exhibitionist Eila Adams Flashes Her Boobs In NYC For 6 Days In The Name Of Gender Equality

While dudes with dongs are busy trying to dominate women's sports in the name of equality, Canadian broadcaster Eila Adams is out on the streets of NYC fighting for real women. 

Adams spent six days in New York City this month flashing her boobs in the Big Apple in the name of true gender equality and in the name of boob appreciation, according to media reports

*Slow clap*

Let's not forget that OutKick founder Clay Travis built this website, before selling it to Fox News Corp. on two basic principles: Freedom of speech and boob appreciation. What Eila is doing, and has done for women this month, isn't going unnoticed by the OutKick Culture Department. The minute Clay saw headlines about Eila, he sent over a link because this website must stay true to its founding principles. 

"If men can walk around shirtless without fear of reprisal, so too should women," this trailblazer said during a media tour. It's normal to be nude and by flashing folks as I go about my day I'm just having a bit of cheeky fun and challenging the status quo," Adams continued.

"Nudity has been such an important part of my life. I do not understand anyone who has negative feelings towards being naked."

Thank you for saying it. 

Now, that's not to say that everyone in New York City liked being flashed by a beautiful woman who works as a Naked News studio host. There are always going to be nerds who complain, even in NYC. 

"If you don't like it, don't look. Most people don't even notice I'm doing anything, but if I do get caught, I'll get a smile, a thumbs up, a laugh," the newswoman told her haters.

"(Boobs) can light up a person's day." 

So true. 

Let's stop for a minute and think about things that can light up a person's day: 

  • A cordial blue-haired lesbian at Starbucks working the drive-thru 
  • The Chipotle worker loading up a bowl without asking for "a little extra" 
  • Gas prices dropping 10-cents 
  • A winning parlay
  • Patio beers
  • Free chips and salsa at a Mexican restaurant where you're paying $23 for fajitas that were $12.99 a few years ago 
  • Birds slashing in the bird bath off your patio while you're suckin' down patio margaritas
  • Boobs

Eila's NYC flashing spree took her to places like Times Square, the subway system, monuments (not the 9/11 monument; she isn't a moron), the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty ferry boat ride. 

She even flashed at the American Museum of Natural History in front of an exhibit on evolution. 

"Museum of Natural Titstory: Tits from around the World," she captioned an Instagram photo

There you go. Eila is a trailblazer. 

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.