ESPN's Elle Duncan Fires Back As C-Section Speech During Tua CTE Chat Goes Viral

Here we go with more of Elle Duncan and her me…me…me…look at me…I'm smart…hear me RAWR…tell me I'm a smart QUEEEEEN…race…race…race…equality routine. 

After turning a "First Take" discussion on Tua's concussion into a speech on how she's made sacrifices in life because she's black and has had two C-sections, Duncan lectured those who dared to question her me…me…me routine. 

Here's where this all started earlier this morning: 

"As someone who is a woman who has two scars that go from hip to hip because I've had two C-sections in an effort to provide for my family and create a family for my family, I understand sacrifice. A Black woman in this country, whose mortality rates are incredibly high, I understand making sacrifices," Duncan said on "First Take" after Screamin' A. Smith addressed why men are willing to keep putting on a helmet and get their brains scrambled in the NFL. 

Gender: Check

Race: Check

About me: Check 

Oppression Olympics: Check

It's an interesting business strategy. We'll see if it ultimately proves to be a winning formula. Will viewers flock to Elle and her making Tua's concussions and sacrifice into a story about how she was sliced open for C-sections? 

Will we get a trans guest on "First Take" so that we get the trans dude (biological woman) to tell us about getting sliced open and how it was the ultimate sacrifice? Will we get a trans analyst on "First Take" to tell us the real sacrifice is being a black dude who had his dong chopped off before going out and ripping off a 69 in a U.S. Women's Open qualifier? 

Let's talk some real sacrifice. How is Elle going to pivot conversations into a me…me…me…when some trans woman unleashes a speech on how she/he/they had her/his/them dong sawed off with a battery-powered Ryobi sawzall?

Oh yeah, well I walked into an all-white hospital – I'M BLACK!!!!!! – and had some white male slice me open TWICE with a Ryobi sawzall to yank out two babies as I was SLICED from HIP TO HIP. Beat that!

The free market will decide who wins here. Elle seems convinced she's winning. This afternoon, she even claimed to be doing "the Lords work."  

"If it hasn’t become abundantly clear by now -when my timeline is filled with misogynistic comments from flag avatars with aviators on I know I’ve done the Lords work! Lol. Looking forward to getting ‘wokey’ of the month or whatever absurd bs title y’all come up with!" the SportsCenter host tweeted.  


You should be honored by such admiration for your work, ma'am. Only the best and brightest in your industry get such honors. Today, you proved you're an MVW (Most Valuable Woke) candidate. 

Now, let's see if this all works out for this shitshow in the long run.  

Want to yell at me? Tell me I'm an idiot? Fire away. Let's do it. 

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Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.