Escort: I'm Saving Marriages By Sleeping With Married Men, Their Wives Should Be Grateful

Escorts save marriages.  Your gut may tell you that the opposite is true, but there is more than one account of this being the case.  The latest comes from one of the marriage-saving heroes herself.

Bonnie Blue is more than a viral superstar cashing in on her line of work.  According to her, she's responsible for saving countless marriages and helping married men who seek her out to become better husbands.

Now the 25-year-old is looking for some recognition.  Not from the general public, but from the wives who have benefited from the $1,000 an hour services she provides.

"The wives should be grateful that I am sleeping with their husbands," Bonnie told  "I have 100 percent saved marriages.  Sleeping with me can be a one-off, no texting, late-night phone calls or secret gifts."

This, Bonnie says, helps avoid messy extramarital affairs.  Those can be much more hurtful.  She provides some married men with a younger upgrade over the love of their lives.

She explained, "They can have me for the night and be home by the morning to continue living a happy married life with their wives."

Despite Her Heroic Actions Saving Marriages, Bonnie Blue Still Receives Plenty Of Hate

Unexpectedly, not all the wives agree with Bonnie's assessment of the situation.  If you can believe it, she says she gets hundreds of hateful messages from wives and girlfriends instead of the thanks she deserves.

"Many are saying I don’t understand the stresses of life and that things change when you get older," Bonnie said.  "However, this proves my point exactly.  They’re under the impression that because they’ve had kids or a promotion at work that gives them an excuse to be lazy in the bedroom."

The backlash she's received for saving all of these marriages has caused her to reevaluate her approach.

Bonnie is now on a quest to save even more marriages and has put together plans to no longer charge married men.  She'll, of course, turn the sessions into content and recoup her money that way.  She is running a business, after all, not a charity.

It's the ideal situation for all involved, according to Bonnie.

She says of the arrangement, "It will actually benefit their wives.  Sleeping with their husbands pays my bills and saves their marriage as it stops them cheating and having an emotional connection with someone else."

Now that's sound logic that's hard to argue with.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.