Emily Elizabeth & Jadelyn Music Collaborate In Uruguay, Russell Wilson Memories & Rate Nadal's Swing
A Screencaps reader whose wife cheated on him – like what Gisele (allegedly) did to Tom Brady – with a guy at the gym needs advice
• LAD writes:
Joe, I saw the BFC write up this morning and felt so much for the guy, as you may or may not remember, my wife had cheated on me over a year ago w a guy at her gym.
So I have a question for guys that tried to make things work w their wives who cheated emotionally, sexually or both.
So I am now 16 months post finding out. I can’t tell you how rough of a year 2023 was. We have 3 little ones, and I have a company that keeps me very busy.
Her affair lasted for a few months then they continued to talk on WhatsApp for a few months after discovery. Then in Jan I packed my stuff and left. But then she did everything to bring me back, and I finally did a month later. She then has done everything in her power to make things work with us, but I swear, life is just totally different. It truly sucks when you don’t trust your wife.
And just as BFS stated, the affair was my fault because I was too busy building the company. The same lame excuse.
I’ll just be honest here, I went back to her because I saw the pain in my kids eyes. I’ve seen plenty of my friends grow up in divorced homes where the divorce affected them for decades. I love my kids more than anything. I can’t see them go through that pain.
So my question is: Have any readers been in my spot and stuck it out, then years later either regretted making it work or glad they stayed?
If either, what is there to expect or to be prepared for? Will the rest of my life suck like this?.
The thing is, I’m also still attracted to my wife and we were actually really close friends before we dated on got married. And I feel like we’re friends like that again, so I do have the attraction and friendship w my wife, but what I don’t have is the trust and deep love I once had for her.
BFC's story of his wife cheating and the eventual divorce struck a nerve with readers
If you haven't read it yet, here you go. It's in Tuesday Screencaps.
• Tim in Texas City, TX writes:
Just a brutal divorce story from BFC...
Where do I go to buy that man a round?
• Dean in Monroe, GA writes:
Good God, Joe! A man does not tell the world his sad little experience of his wife cheating on him! When did this become acceptable?
I know, I'm a grumpy old man, " Get off my lawn". Eat the pain and shut the fuck up!
When u tell your story, other men lower their opinion of you. Buncha pussies.
It's a movement - Make Lawns Great Again (MLGA)
Ask any TNMLer and he/she will tell you the best feeling is when a neighbor drives by your house on the way to work on a Friday morning and your yard is dialed in. The dew glistens off the fresh stripes. The reflection off the dew is blinding in mid-June when the turf is a healthy 4" high and pillowy enough to break the fall of a baby learning to walk.
Multiple readers sent this one. Thank you to those who understand what I'm looking for from the content world.
BTW, the 2nd edition of the MLGA shirts is down to just small shirts. I'll fire off a Slack message to T-shirt Manager Olivia G. to see when the 3rd edition will be available. The MLGA is one of the hottest shirts on the Internet right now.
Who's hungry?
I have to believe chopping ribs like that during a patio party has to be one of the biggest alpha moves a guy can make when his buddies stop over. Watch this guy in action.
Will the government eventually give Alyssa Milano tax breaks on her travel ball expenses that she pays for by panhandling on social media?
Obtrusive government is en vogue these days, and now an Olympics commission created by Congress is proposing a new federal agency and tax breaks to boost youth sports. Just what America needs—Washington regulating and subsidizing Little League.
Congress established a special commission in 2020 to study and propose reforms to the U.S. Olympic system following horrific sexual abuse by a former USA Gymnastics doctor. But the commission’s report, released Friday, isn’t limited to improving athlete safety. It recommends an overhaul of youth athletic development to improve "equity."
Congress should also let parents deduct youth sports "program fees, the cost of necessary equipment, and funds spent on travel for competition," the report says, adding that parents should also be allowed to use pre-tax funds in health-savings accounts to pay for "recreational-league signup fees or a dependent child’s sports equipment."

I'll say it again for the new readers: Pay for your own shit, quit looking for someone else to pay for your travel ball expenses, get a second job, quit looking for the government to give you a write-off for spending 50 nights a summer at Hampton Inn with your travel ball family where the moms sit around suckin' on their Stanleys and scrolling through their phones.
And if you can't afford it, go play house ball like America did for decades.
And if you can't afford the house ball bill – BTW, that number is $160 for my 11-year-old this season – I'm sure there are hardship rules within the league for parents who just flat-out can't pay the bill.
And you're nuts if you think the federal government is going to improve youth sports via any proposal that includes "equity" in the language.
Things you see on the way to work
• Caleb writes:
Joe: Saw this on my drive in to work and thought the readers of America’s Best Daily Column might appreciate it. Have a great day.

Odds & Ends from a reader who is booked for the Two-Club Invitational
• Brandon C. in Pinckney, MI reacts to a couple of the topics this week:
Really looking forward to the Two Club. Interest is high to join the team. I'm going to have to go full 1984 David Stern NBA Lottery to chose who's going to play with me. The frozen envelope will be assigned to whatever friend puts together the best summer fun package (boat weekend on the lake? Tigers tickets? Round at his country club?).
Thank heavens that hockey season is almost over for the daughter.. She's had a hell of a season leading her team in goals and assists while playing defense (Averaging a point a game! And she had to fill in at goalie for a game!). State tournament this weekend, League championship next weekend. Post-season party at an old school arcade right near the rink where the kids will be scarfing down Costco Pizza, Taco Platters, and Faygo Rock n Ryes in between highly competitive games of DigDug, Moon Patrol, and Addams Family pinball. Good thing my daughter will have time to rest and recover in between seasons... hockey ends on Mar 17, school softball starts March 18th.
As an old school catcher myself, the Paul Skenes fastball is impressive.... for the ability of the catcher to condition his mitt to make it pop like that. There are a few tricks of the trade still around on how to make your pitcher more intimidating, and beyond tweeaking the radar gun and cutting the ball on the inside hook of your catchers gear right before you need the slider from hell on a two strike count.
Getting your catcher's mitt to maintain its "crispiness" while still being soft enough to cushion your hand and not have the ball pop out on every reception is one of those. I learned the tricks from an old minor league catcher who played with Jim Leyland that lived across the street from me in the youth time. I could make my 60 mph high school pitcher "sound" like he was throwing mid-80s with the right technique and equipment. Kudos to the catcher (or his position coach) for continuing to apply the magic of being the one to make your pitcher look good.
Question-- Is it wrong of me to want to start plowing the garden so I can plant my snow peas next weekend? Asking for a friend.
Are you sending a kid off to the Coast Guard?
On Tuesday, I connected fathers who will be sending their sons to West Point with a father who went through West Point and has a son at West Point right now.
Later in the day, I heard from a reader who revealed he uses a fake name due to his past life as an Intelligence Officer for the Coast Guard and some other government agencies that you've heard of.
• Anonymous writes:
A lot of support has been offered to upcoming West Point cadets (which is great). I’d like to offer support/provide advice for anyone interested in the Coast Guard. It can be a very rewarding experience/career. If you throw it there, I’m willing to be in direct contact if someone has questions about the USCG.
Do you have a child going Coast Guard? Let me know and I'll connect you with Anonymous. He's emailed me like 200 times. He's not a fly-by-night.
Lawn Boy Beer
• Dawgs fan Eddie from Acworth writes:
This is in response to Dave in Rhode Island and his post about the Lawn Boy beer-which looks amazing.
This is actually a beer named after a Phish song-I know because I am huge Phish Phan and nerd-I have been to 50 shows-which is actually low on the scale for most Phish Phans.
Tilted Barn has another brew called Is This Still Lawn Boy-which is an inside Phish joke. The song Lawn Boy is a silly "lounge act" song sung by the keyboardist Page McConnell-and it usually lasts about 3 minutes. In 2017, they played the song at MSG during their 13 night residency, and they jammed the song for nearly 30 minutes-and it was epic. And fans that were there kept turning around and asking "Is this still Lawn Boy"? It became an iconic tee shirt.
Just a clarification here, although being from RI, Dave probably already knows this because Phish is huge in the northeast area.
Also asking-are there any other jam band nerds in Screencaps? It would be nice to collaborate and share great jam bands and jams. I am sure there are-but it is absolutely not for everyone-it is an acquired "taste" (another inside joke Phish Phans will get).

Would you buy this cereal?
Which one of you is going to test this cereal to find out if it works?

That's it for this Wednesday.
Let's go give 100% at work. Let's get home. Let's watch some basketball. It's March. Let's enjoy it. Let the madness run through your veins.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com