Elon Musk And Twitter Respond To Major $250 Million Music Lawsuit With A Poop Emoji, But Are We Surprised?

Normally when companies get a hundred-million dollar lawsuit served to them, they would go into panic mode. Get the public relations team out, figure out a narrative on how to spin the story and call the lawyers with advice on how to move forward.

Not Elon Musk and Twitter though.

After being sued for $250 million over music copyright infringement, Twitter responded to all inquiries in the most simplistic, juvenile and actually kind of hilarious way - a poop emoji.

I have to say it actually made me crack up out of the sheer absurdity of it. The perfect "Fricken Elon..."

The Tesla founder had previously said that all press requests would contain the excrement response, but it went unnoticed until this major lawsuit was named and suddenly every press outlet across the globe was receiving the emoji. It's the latest example of Elon being Elon.

The wild part is you just know that the National Music Publishers Association (NMPA) spent many long months and too much money formulating their legal paperwork. They dedicated so much time to what and how they would frame their legal argument... only to have Musk literally crap all over it.


The NMPA is suing Twitter on behalf of 17 different music publishers that represent artists, bands and musicians. They claim that the streaming platform has allowed over 1,700 copyrighted songs to be played with no compensation. The copyright infringement came in the form of live videos, as well as videos that used the music in them. In addition, they claim that Twitter has taken too long to act when complaints have been filed, and that Musk is actively encouraging people to skirt around being flagged for violations by having subscribers pay for his Twitter Blue program.

In some instances, they used Musk's own tweets to further back up their claims. Including when he downplayed the importance of DMCA in 2022. (Digital Millennium Copyright Act)


Nearly all the other major social networks have made deals with music publishers. TikTok, Meta, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat all understood the seriousness of copyright and purposely made agreements to avoid exactly what is happening with Musk right now. Last year both Peloton and Roblox settled with the NMPA to pay them royalties for the artists music.

But this is Elon Musk we're talking about. He literally told his PR teams to response to all requests WITH A POOP EMOJI!

It'll be interesting to see how Elon and Twitter eventually respond to the lawsuit, especially with new CEO and mask-pushing, WEF-globalist Linda Vaccarino onboard.

One thing Elon does have to be careful about is walking the line, something I have no faith he's able to do.

If all of a sudden tens of thousands of musicians and bands decide to boycott Twitter , that would definitely have an effect on the platform. Currently, people enjoy getting updates and feeling "connected" to their favorite celebrities, musicians, authors and more. If that goes away, then Twitter becomes as stale as Facebook where all it is is your uncle and other people all yelling about politics to each other.

The way things are going, I'd think Elon will send them a poop emoji when they leave as well.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.