Country Star Sparks Engagement Rumors After Simple Observation In Viral Video

Ella Langley sparked some serious rumors after dropping a new video Tuesday.

Langley has turned into a serious star in the country music world, and her power and influence continue to grow at an impressive rate.

Everything she touches seems to turn to gold or go viral on social media. However, people definitely got something they weren't expecting with her latest Instagram video.

Ella Langley sparks engagement rumors.

Langley dropped a video of herself strumming on a guitar and singing while lounging on a front porch and people noticed one simple thing:

A diamond ring on her left hand.

Check it out below.

People were pretty surprised, seeing how Langley hasn't posted anything to indicate she's in a relationship.

Below are some of the reactions in the comments:

  • Miss maam what’s on your fingerrrrrr
  • Ella-are you engaged??
  • is gorg but can we talk ab that rock pls????
  • The ring????
  • 💍 👀
  • If you don’t explain that ring right this instant
  • Uh miss Ella the boulder on your hand would be??
  • Ummmm
  • I know we see the ring
  • I’m glad I’m not the only one that immediately saw the ring
  • 💍 what?
  • Uhm excuse me 💍💍💍💍!????? MISS ELLA !!??
  • Wait a minuteeeee ELLA 💍
  • Is that an engagement ring??

Clearly, people are honing in and focusing on the fact she has a massive diamond on her hand. It's hard to miss, and the mystery is certainly captivating her fans.

However, let's tap the brakes just a little bit. Again, there's nothing to suggest Langley is in a relationship. Now, that's not to say she's not. People keep stuff out of the public spotlight all the time. It's certainly possible, but I wouldn't say probable.

What do I think is going on here? It appears the "Nicotine" singer might be filming a music video. That would indicate the giant diamond could be a prop.

It's just a theory, but seeing as how little actual proof we have, it's worth at least considering.

Either way, Langley has the internet talking, and don't think for one second she doesn't know exactly what she's doing. Let me know what you think at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.