Elizabeth Hurley Sends A Strong Message To Summer Haters, Jim Cantore Battles Hurricane Idalia & A Steak Pizza You Need To See

Confession: I no longer want a Golden Tee after testing out Golf+ on Meta Quest 2

As many of you know, I've been on a golf video game journey for the last 2-3 years where I've been very close to buying a Golden Tee machine for the man cave only to change my mind after testing out the PGA Tour game on PS5. That game led me to believe I wanted to put in my own PS5 game wall that the kids were banned from playing.

Now I think the game has changed forever after playing Golf+ on Meta Quest 2 last night on Screencaps Jr.'s VR mask. My mind is made up. VR is the future.

Guys, if Bluetooth and wifi waves from some VR headset kill me, so be it.

I've never smoked crack cocaine, or chewed on psychedelic mushrooms, but I have to believe what I saw with that mask on is what it's like to be on drugs these maniacs shoot up in San Francisco. The euphoria I felt while holding that controller and sinking a 10-foot putt made me feel like I was actually playing in the Tour Championship in Atlanta.

At one point last night as I was standing in the living room with the blinds open and cars passing by looking at me like I was actually on drugs, I hit some button and it had me floating in space like 10,000 feet over a golf course like I was in a blimp and it was easily the craziest out-of-body feelings I've ever had.

Without a doubt, Golf+ on VR is my new drug. #notsponsored. I haven't been paid off by this video game maker, but I'm willing to dabble.

Now I'm looking at buying simulator golf clubs with Golf Pride grips that have a weight on the end to simulate an actual golf club. VR will absolutely satiate my golfing desires at a much cheaper price point and I never have to leave the house or the patio.

The $69.99 VR golf club thing is much cheaper than the set of Titleist clubs like Captain Ron's that I want to buy. $3k or $69.99 with one-day shipping from Amazon? You're damn right I'm going with the simulator.

#notsponsored one bit. I'm just that hooked.

Now, what other VR games do I need to play? Remember, I'm not a gamer, but if these games are better than drugs, I might start partaking more often.

Now I just need to figure out how to add air conditioning to the headset.

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

You're seeing all of this in your screen while locking out the real world. IT'S AWESOME. Bring on the virtual world!!! #notsponsored

Have you guys tried this crack cocaine from Costco?

I know this is going to trigger the Traeger crowd, but I'm willing to have this fight. The Harry's Brisket Mac & Cheese is insane. Again, #notsponsored. Just how I see things.

Canoe Kirk says this is "Costco's version of crack."

If it sounds like it's a big drugs day around here, IT IS. Just a bunch of middle-aged guys finding drugs to replace actual drugs.

I get that some of you have the time and the mouths capable of consuming huge piles of Traeger brisket mac & cheese and you just whip up your own brisket mac & cheese that is fresh and straight out of the cooker.

For the rest of us, this stuff right here is the real deal. Canoe Kirk and I have found the promised land with this stuff. Trust me, get this for those drunken Saturday nights after college football. This is a guaranteed food coma at 2 a.m. It's better than Ambien.

Littering scumbags & Justified

• Camden in Burleson, TX writes:

Wife went to Italy in June. She said it was extremely clean. So it isn’t necessarily a world littering problem. It’s more of a US littering problem.

Dude seems to have gotten his wish on Justified City Primeval. Boyd Crowder back in the mix, the original bad dude. Wasn’t a terrible final episode.

• Anonymous writes:

Just wanted to chime in on littering scumbags. This is the thing that is really pissing me off these days.  We live in the Inland Pacific Northwest - God's country and it is beautiful here; however, we have far too many scumbag fentanyl heads here and they are absolute pigs.

We also have issues with the chronically homeless who are allowed to practice "urban camping", which generates an enormous amount of garbage in a short period of time.  I am a big believer in the "broken window theory" and littering is the most basic of anti-social behaviors.  It just spirals out of control from there.  

I got so mad about it that I volunteered for and was appointed to a commission in my city that deals with issues related to quality of life, law enforcement, and other related issues.  


Thank you to Anonymous for stepping up to do something about the problem instead of just complaining about it. Nowadays, it takes balls to actually join these commissions and making yourself a target for the scumbags who support scumbag behavior.

I do not like this one bit

I know what you're thinking: I'm a moron for not being pumped up to be rooting for the team that has the highest probability to win the Super Bowl based on Pro Football Focus' power rankings.

Couldn't hate it any more than I hate this graphic right now. HATE IT.

Has a team ever won the Super Bowl based on preseason probabilities? Well, maybe the Patriots and Tommy, but that's an outlier here. I want confidence and swagger. I don't want the Bengals to have all the pressure. That should reside with the defending Super Bowl champs in Kansas City where Jackson Mahomes has felony counts hanging over his head and Patrick Mahomes has to figure out a way to do the Super Bowl again and again.

Plus, the more I listen to radio out of Cleveland and pay attention to the Pittsburgh media, the more I think the AFC North is stacked and it's going to be a dogfight just to win the division and get that home-field game.

If there's any positive to a Super Bowl run for the Bengals heading into Week 1, it's that the Chiefs have, according to the experts, the fifth-hardest schedule. The Bills have the fourth-hardest schedule. Cincinnati has the 20th most difficult schedule -- on paper.

How many of you wash your own cars and pay someone to pick up dog crap in your yard?

It's great to hear from my old friend Jess in Alabama, whom I actually met last summer on my trip to Birmingham, a city that definitely caught me off-guard for how much revitalization had taken place there.

• Jess writes:

I’m guessing it’s way more than 1% because I rarely have someone else wash my car (only exception is if I got a car wash gift card from students, which happens more often than I would have thought before teaching). I don’t wash it every week, though.

I’ll add this in as well- I don’t pay anyone to wash my dog. She has never been professionally groomed in over 10 years. Only baths from us.

And just curious- I wonder who is in the “I wash my own car and pay someone to pick up dog poop” group. I’m thinking that would have to be 1%…


The only disappointment from Jess' email is that she didn't send a photo of the dog all groomed and ready to go out on a Friday night.

Where are all my Dayton, OH people?

One of my many Dayton readers has to be able to explain what's going on in Huber Heights, the brick home capital of the United States. Since when did Huber become a hot ticket zip code for buyers? I could see south of Dayton or Tipp City, but Huber?

Is this because Buc-ees is moving into the neighborhood on I-70? I need answers.

The war on yellow jackets and wasps

I'm seeing more and more people who swear the paper bag method is the answer to wasp issues.

By the way, my yellow jacket traps were still empty as of last night. I might need to move them to a new strategic spot. Stay tuned.

That's it for the final Wednesday in August 2023 of your life. Not to get morbid, but you'll never get this day back. Go attack it. Go give 110%.

And then throw on the VR mask at the end of the day to feel like you're doing drugs. #trustme

Have a great day.

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

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Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.