Edmonton Oilers' Boob Flasher Has Been Found And She Answers The Most Pressing Question

Well, it finally happened. It took nine days – which was about eight days more than I had on my Bingo card – but the Edmonton Oilers boob flasher, who continues to pop up on your Twitter timeline like one of those Morgan & Morgan paid advertisements, has been identified. 

Sort of. 

Spittin' Chiclets, a Barstool Sports podcast, tracked her down over the weekend. On Monday, they released a brief interview with the Oilers girl – who they call Kate. 

Does she look like she's possibly in witness protection? Sure. Hungover? Absolutely. Drained from a week's worth of boob fame? For sure. 

But, it comes with the territory. That's the internet in 2024. When you open your shirt and show the world your boobs, you're instantly an internet Hall of Famer. Forever. 

The video simply doesn't die. It doesn't go away. Kate, as she says, tried to get it taken down. And she did … initially. 

But, boobs on the internet live forever. And live forever, they have! And now, she speaks:

Viral Oilers fan answers the internet's most pressing question 

Well, there you have it, folks. And just like that, she's gone again. Back in the wind, perhaps until the Oilers return home later this week. 

Obviously, there's a ton to break down here. Oilers Kate did answer the biggest question, and I give her major props for that. Are they real?

No, they aren't. And honestly, she deserves a ton of praise for leaning into it at this point. She could've simply sidestepped it and said no comment. I plead the fifth. 

But she answered it immediately. No mystery. No mumbling. No word-salad. Just let the cat out of the bag and tells the world they're fake. And I respect the hell out of that. 

"The eight Trulys I drank in the first period … it was definitely inspiring."

I love this chick. Her boobs may be fake, but she's 100% real. Genuine. One of us. Woman of the people. 

I'm a Panthers fan, so I hope they smack Edmonton around again Monday for a commanding 2-0 lead. But if they don't, I take solace in the fact that Oilers Flasher Kate will be happy. 

And that's enough for me. 

PS: Chevy High Country? Solid choice.

PPS: No, I'm not posting the unedited video here. It takes literally two seconds to find it on Twitter. Trust me. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.