Duke Grads Walk Out On Jerry Seinfeld Commencement Speech, Chant 'Free Palestine'

The Duke University Class of 2024 officially graduated Sunday. The students were treated to an incredible speaker: one of the most successful comedians of all-time, Jerry Seinfeld. But, the anti-Israel, pro-terrorist, anti-American students walked out before he could deliver the commencement address. 

Seinfeld, who is Jewish, is supportive of Israel defending itself against terrorists. The mostly-early-20s-graduates do not agree. They expressed their displeasure by leaving as soon as his name was announced, with several others chanting "Free Palestine." 

To be clear, it was not the entire graduating class who participated in the walk-out. The majority of students cheered for Seinfeld and many booed those students who walked out. 

This is disgraceful behavior. Most of the behavior of these college students is disgraceful, but the unwillingness to listen to someone with differing beliefs is a bigger sign of today's college students. 

Plus, this is Jerry Seinfeld. If he were the commencement speaker at my college graduation, I'd be ecstatic. I don't even remember who spoke at my graduation because it probably wasn't someone memorable who said something worth remembering. But Seinfeld? What a tremendous opportunity. 

But, these uber-privileged students – who somehow have convinced themselves that they are victims – aren't able to understand that. 

To them, Jerry Seinfeld (reminder, he's a COMEDIAN), just represents another oppressor that they need to push back against. They are desperate for community and acceptance, even if it means joining a movement that supports terrorism. 

It's sad, really. It's also a subject that Seinfeld has been more open talking about in his later years. Recently, the 69-year-old lambasted the radical left-wing for trying to ruin comedy.

"This is the result of the extreme left and PC crap and people worrying so much about offending other people," Seinfeld said. "When you write a script and it goes into four or five different hands, committees, groups: ‘Here’s our thought about this joke.’ Well, that’s the end of your comedy." 

I can see now why these kids didn't want to listen to Seinfeld speak. I mean, listen to those hateful thoughts! 

The truth isn't hateful. Seinfeld speaks the truth. Maybe if these kids listened to more truth-tellers, we wouldn't be in this situation.