Drunk Driver Calls The Cops On Himself For Driving The Wrong Way On The Highway

A man in Nebraska called the police back in March to report that he had just encountered a vehicle driving the wrong way on the highway. When police responded to the call and pulled over the car traveling in the wrong direction, the person who placed the call was behind the wheel.

To make matters worse the wrong way driver, who unintentionally called the police on himself, was allegedly drunk. The Lancaster Sheriff's office released body cam footage this week of the incident.

The footage released includes the driver's 911 call. He starts the call by saying, "I'm on Highway 77 going north, and there's somebody that's on the wrong side of the road."

The driver continued, "He had his brights on, man. He almost ran me off the road. That was gnarly. That was like, a lot."

The video then shows the arresting officer driving down the Nebraska highway before eventually finding the wrong way driver. The officer pulls the car over and asks the wrong way driver, "Do you know why I stopped you?"

Drunk Driver Realizes Soon After Being Pulled Over That He Was The Wrong Way Driver

It turns out that he did know why he was being pulled over. Despite it later being revealed that he had a blood-alcohol content more than twice the legal limit, he was able to do the math.

"Yeah, because I was on the wrong side of the road," he responded. "I must've missed an exit."

The officer then asks if he was the one who placed the 911 call about a wrong way driver. He admitted that he was leading the officer to ask, "But it turned out it was you?"

The wrong way driver admitted, "Yep, like a dumb f*ck" Again, as drunk as he reportedly was, he was still pretty sharp when it came to putting things together in his head.

The driver was arrested. As mentioned previously, he had a blood-alcohol content more than twice the legal limit. Thankfully, nobody was injured in the making of this incredibly insane clip.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.