Drama Queen Stephen Colbert Has A Warning About Trump, And Let's All Hope He's Right

Pour one out for Stephen Colbert – this could be our final week with him. Sad. End of an insufferable, miserable, gaslighting, grifting, embarrassing, pathetic, rip-out-your-ear drums era. 

Godspeed, Steve!

Late night's biggest drama queen – well, either him or the equally dumb Jimmy Kimmel – was understandably emotional during Thursday night's show because it was his final one with Joe Biden as president. What a moment. A lot to process for Colbert. 

Even worse, of course, was that Stephen's next show will be under the direction of Donald J. Trump. Not really, because Trump doesn't run, own, or, frankly, give a shit about that drivel, but he will be president come Monday night. 

And for Stephen Colbert, that could spell the end of him … forever!

Good luck, Colbert!

My God. Amazing. These late night dorks are just the best. They live in such a detached reality, it's almost unfathomable. Frankly, all of them are insufferable except maybe Fallon. He's not great, but he's the best of the worst when it comes to the wokeness. 

You know who we need right now? We need Leno back. Feel like he'd be the perfect counter to these gaslighters. Imagine the ratings his show would get right now, in this climate? Would be through the roof. 

Imagine actually being so scared of Donald Trump that you think he's going to … what, pull you off the air? Like he doesn't have other things to worry about? Hey, Stephen – you're fine, pal. I promise. Trump won the popular vote. He doesn't need you anymore. He's good. He's all set. 

He's got a country to run – and fix, by the way. A border to secure. Another country to acquire via trade and/or free agency. And, of course, tariffs to start handing out like Halloween candy. 

He doesn't have time for Stephen Colbert, or his equally insufferable audience. 

Wish he did, though. God, I'd love that. 

Please, let Trump pull this dummy off the air. Would really go against the whole free speech thing I believe in, but, just for a few minutes, it would be hilarious. 

Oh well. 

See you Monday, Stevie!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.