Dr. Anthony Fauci Has 'No Doubt' Joe Biden Can Continue As President

Don't worry, America — Joe Biden is totally fine! At least, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, anyway.

And why shouldn't we trust Fauci? It's not like he repeatedly lied to Americans throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and supported Draconian policies with no scientific basis that led to irreparable damage to the country's health, education and economy all while lining his own pockets, right?

RELATED: Anthony Fauci Admits COVID Rules Like Social Distancing And Masking Had No Scientific Basis

Of course not.

So amid mounting pressure for 81-year-old Biden to bow out of the 2024 race, Fauci is jumping to the president's defense. In a recent interview with the CBS News podcast The Takeout, Fauci said he has "no doubt" that Biden has the "vigor and mental capability" to continue into a second term.

Sure, Biden had a disastrous showing at the first Presidential Debate on June 27. But Fauci says it's not possible for a physician to make a meaningful assessment of a person’s mental state based solely on one 90-minute debate.

"Did he have a bad cold, you know? Did he take an antihistamine to make him, you know, groggy, or what have you? We don’t know what went on," Fauci said. "And I think it would be unfair and inappropriate to try and diagnose something from just a 90-minute clip."

The cold medicine might have been a good excuse — except Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre explicitly denied that Biden took any cold medicine before the debate.

Dr. Anthony Fauci Defends Joe Biden After Embarrassing Debate Performance

Fauci retired in 2022 after nearly four decades as the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). He described the president as sharp and inquisitive in all of their interactions — not like the Biden we all saw at the debate and in countless viral videos.

In his new book, he called Biden "very probing in his questions, very analytical, very calm about things," and said during briefings, Biden always asked "very relevant questions."

READ: Anthony Fauci's New Covid Book Is Even Worse Than Expected, And It's Full Of Revisionist History | Ian Miller

"I don’t want to comment about what happened that night [in the debate], but you know, to me, it just looked like a bad night," Fauci said, "because my interaction with him was what I described in the book and what happened even subsequent to what I described in the book, after I got out."

There you go, folks: Joe Biden is sharp and spry! And you can totally trust Fauci — he's never lied to us before.