Heated Debate Erupts Over Doomsday Scenarios, Proper Preparations: REACTIONS
What's the best way to prepare for absolute chaos and the collapse of civilized society?
As OutKick readers know, I'm a big fan of Reddit. I dive down deep Reddit rabbit holes pretty much daily. You simply never know what you might find.
Sometimes, it might be funny and entertaining. Other times, it can get pretty dark and wild. The latter option is what leads us to today's topic.
Doomsday debate goes viral on Reddit.
I was sipping on my black coffee when I stumbled across a thread that I couldn't click fast enough:
As someone who is obsessed with nuclear war and the potential collapse of society, I was amped to see the responses, and they didn't disappoint.
Read some below, and let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com:
- I live in Bolivia. We have always been close to collapsing or in the middle of a collapse. Somehow we just survive.
- Cardio. Legit something that is crazy overlooked is how physically demanding fighting is, even just running around. You can have all the guns and bullets and food stockpiled and then get mowed down because you can't run for more than 10 seconds. Go all out and carry a 35 pound pack on your back while you do it for extra realism.
- In the military, we were taught that if we stop moving, we die. This is especially the case with drones now. Soldiers think they can hide from them instead, but this isn’t the case.
- If Zombieland taught us anything, it's that cardio is Rule #1.
- Really work hard on strengthening my relationships with my fellow community members.
- I would go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.
- Instead of obvious prepping, I joined a local hiking group to learn the terrain and made friends with people who have useful skills. My new friend Sarah's a nurse, John's ex-military, and Mike's an expert gardener. Building a community might be more valuable than stockpiling supplies when everything falls apart.
- Buy a gun and 1 bullet I’m Way too old for this sh*t.
- I've studied German society before and after the Nazi regime. Just before the collapse of their government at the hands of Hitler, a loaf of bread was 2 marks. After it was 100 million marks for the same loaf. Children died in the streets of starvation. Additionally, during the great depression neighbors came together to build and grow gardens to sustain their families. I'd say we all need to learn gardening and food storage.
- Honestly, even some backyard gardening could go a long way, in just getting the Knowlege even. I sometimes watch a Youtuber, a heavily tattoos and mustached Italian living in London, and he goes through lots of space saving ways to grow lots of food in the Middle of London of all places. This year I might have to start taking some if it seriously and get some of my food growing
- My friend group already started the process of apocalypse prepping years ago where we each figure out our roles. We have carpenters, cooks, construction/electricity, farmer/livestock experts, gunsmiths/mechanical engineers. We can mill our own wood powered by solar, stockpile for heating, build shelter, grow and preserve our own food, and be able to defend ourselves or help and protect others willing to chip in. For the record we’re all very leftist. Not a conservative in the bunch. We all chipped in on some very good land in a rural area with tons of natural resources. We spend summers working our parcels and helping each other out. It’s the commune vibe without it being a cult. Also a good party spot
- This is how you know people really don’t believe the US is going to violently fall apart, if people did actually believe this stores would be sold out, there would be mass migration out of the country on a scale never before seen.
- live in bumf*ck nowhere. We have more than enough farms, rivers and hunting space that no one in the community would starve. I have enough ammo to protect my and my neighbor's lands. Generally, I imagine I'd be ok. In reality, I'd probably die pretty fast, so instead, I'd fly to the Philippines and convert all of my cash to Pesos. I certainly have more than enough to live comfortably for the next thirty or so years over there.
- I’ve always been taught that in case of any real emergency you should plan to stay where you are (ideally). So having supplies for like a week or two is important. And then you need a way to protect them (it rhymes with fun). We also have a tiny solar generator that can handle lights and things like that. So water, a way to treat undrinkable water, food, ideally a camping stove, and a gun should get you most of the way there.
- Correct. So much discussion out there of "bugging out." Hitting the road can be a terrifying disaster. The answer is to "bug in."
- American here… Apparently by sitting in the couch watching Netflix.
- I kinda hate to say this but the people that have been prepping for years would be the most prepared. They’ve seen this coming and have set up for it. In WA state I lived near people that built their home underground. Full electric solar systems and such. I dated a girl when I was 18 and her dad was always filling his used soda bottles with filtered water and beans and rice and storing them under his home. Things like that. BUT, anyone who knows those things in desperate situations are going to come to them for help when sh*t hits the fan. Or if. I live in Bakersfield CA. It will be chaos if society collapses here. I worry about that.
- Public preppers make a key mistake. The people they have told will show up for help and that will bring attention to others that need help. Then you don’t have enough to go around and everybody that needs some looks at how to get it. They also need to prep for those supplies to run out. Is there a garden? Is there a garden that won’t be raided as people flee and hunt for any supplies?
- I'd leave. We didn't alienate all our neighbours and closest allies, so I can cross a few borders with nothing more than an ID and can stay there for as long as I want.
- You mean what am I doing right now? Having daily panic attacks and trouble getting out of bed in the mornings.
Alright, I'm not going to suggest everyone follow my advice, but if I were in a total collapse situation, I would do a couple of things.
First, be armed. You're screwed if you don't have access to guns. If you do have access and don't know how to use them, then you're probably still cooked.
Get guns, learn how to use them and have plenty of ammo and any spare parts you might need. That's a quick point one, and it's the absolute first thing I'd be focused on.
Second, know how to get food. Whether that's hunting or growing your own food, you need to know how to get food.
Don't know how to hunt or garden? Link up with people who do and provide some kind of skill they don't have. Maybe that's security, medical expertise or something else. Be useful, but figure out a way to garden at a minimum. It's not hard. It's shockingly easy.
Also, when it comes to food, never allow your pantry to run dry even during good times. I remember during the start of COVID my local grocery store didn't have fresh meat for more than a week.
Fortunately, I'm not an idiot and always have several pounds of beef and chicken rotating through the freezer. I was eating just fine while other people were panicking. Why? I always keep plenty of food ready to go. I didn't even do it on purpose. I've just been that way for years, and it paid off in a big way during March 2020.

Fierce debate is erupting on Reddit over doomsday scenarios and how to prepare. (Credit: Getty Images)
What advice do you have for preparing for an emergency? Let me know at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.