Donald Trump Shut Down A Race-Baiting Reporter With A Comeback So Lethal, Even The Police Laughed

Love him or hate him, you have to admit, former president Donald J. Trump is about as ruthless and diabolical as they come. 

Frankly, it's why people do love him. You ain't getting PC talk with Trump. You're getting funny nicknames, insane tweets in all capital letters, in-depth cocaine conversations with Theo Vonn, and elbows to the faces of all the fake news lefties out there. 

That's what we got yesterday in Howell, Michigan – where Trump is currently campaigning. Howell, as you know, was the site just one month ago of a KKK march, which is objectively funny to type out in 2024. What are we doing here?

Anyway, the wokes, of course, are now blaming Trump for that, and trying to connect him to it because they hate him so much they will literally do anything to make him a racist. It's an illness. 

But, luckily, the former president was more than up to the challenge this time:

Donald Trump delivers an all-time line

My God. What a lethal little shot from Donald Trump! Just a punch straight to the dome. KO. Boom. Dead. 

Who was here in 2021?

*Joe Biden.*

Ha ha. Thank you everybody!

Does this reporter even bother showing up to work today? I certainly wouldn't. I'd quit right there on the spot and just go ahead and join Trump's team. 

Clearly, you can't beat ‘em. Might as well join ’em while you're already down and let the chips fall where they may. 

And how about the smirks from the cops in the background? Clearly, they're annoyed with the lefties just like we are, and they can't help but laugh when Trump stuffs this one in a locker and throws away the key. 

And that chuckle from Donald? Never heard that one before. Talk about a curveball. Didn't know he had that in him. 

Anyway, Trump has shut down these race-baiting reporters plenty of times over the years. Like I said, they are constantly coming after him for crap like this. 

Hell, Joe Biden literally refuses to stop lying about Charlottesville. Like, he just won't stop. It's a literal lie at this point, and the man just continues to lean in. Wild. 

But this response from Trump may be his best one yet. More of this, please. Less focus on Kamala's crowds, and more shutting down the fake news. Trust me. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.