Does This Obese Manchild Wearing PJs At An Olive Garden Look Like Someone Who Would Key A Tesla?

Close your eyes and picture a Lib keying a Tesla. Or, worse yet, chucking a Molotov cocktail at one. What do they look like? Take a deep breath, and really think about it …

Now, open your eyes! 

Was it a disgusting, wildly obese adult wearing pajamas and flip-flops in the middle of the day at an Olive Garden, carrying a backpack like a toddler? If so, you NAILED IT!

Rollllllllllll tape!

This is the playbook!

My God. They're all the same, aren't they? All of these lunatics look exactly the same. Just giant children. Sometimes they have colored hair. Sometimes they have nose-rings. Most of the time, they smell like they haven't showered in weeks. 

In this instance, he's wearing a giant set of Lilo & Stitch pajamas in the middle of the day. You see? This is who the Republicans are up against right now. It's why the election was such a landslide. It's why Trump's approval rating hasn't budged, despite MSNBC screaming about the stock market. 

Normal, sane Americans don't care about that right now. We care about ridding the world of this type of idiocy. It's amazing how the Libs have just decided to throw one giant tantrum in the wake of Trump's win last fall. 

Instead of regrouping and, I don't know, changing their message, they've instead resorted to attacking … Teslas. This is it! This is their big play. Their Hail Mary. It's incredible. 

This is who is upset at Trump and Elon right now. Notice how it's never a sane-looking person? Never, ever, ever. 

It's the purple-haired congresswoman from Connecticut. Or the lunatic Al Green. Or AOC, Schumer and Jasmine Crockett. 

Republicans really are so lucky right now. The Dems have given us such a gift. 


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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.