Did Joe Biden Confuse This Mystery Blonde For His Wife? Let's Go To The Tape

Did Joe Biden confuse a mystery blonde for Dr. Jill? That's the question everyone's asking on this third Saturday in July. 

What a time to be alive. What a moment. 

Our fearless commander has been in the news for weeks now, mainly because he's old, senile, and doesn't know where he is 90% of the time. Should that guy be the one holding all the nuclear codes? 

That's the question America is grappling with at the moment. I say no. But, it's not up to me, unfortunately. Elections have consequences, I always say. 

Anyway, Sleepy Joe was back at it this week, setting social media ablaze with this now-viral clip of him seemingly confusing some mystery blonde lady with his wife, Jill. It's clearly not Jill, as you'll see, because Dr. Jill makes a beeline for her husband when she finally sees what's going on, and saves the day. 

Sort of. I don't know, I think the damage is pretty much done at this point. You be the judge:

Joe Biden is at it again

Whoaaaaa Nellie! That was a close one. Nearly had a disaster on our hands, folks. Who knows what Joe was gonna do next, but I'm sure as shit glad we don't have to find out. 

Our Commander in Chief, ladies and gentlemen! What a country. 

So, the question here is simple: did Joe Biden think he was talking to Jill Biden? I mean, it's a valid question. Maybe not for a regular, sane, healthy, young person. But for old, senile folks? Absolutely. 

I often compare Joe to my late grandfather, who died three years ago. God rest his soul. 

He had such bad dementia towards the end you almost didn't know what to do. Guy could talk about anything and everything that happened to him 50 years ago, but he'd ask you the same question 40 times in five minutes. Watching him try to get from Point A to Point B was excruciating. Trying to take a leak was a 30-minute process. 

And yes, he easily – easily – could have confused someone else for my grandma towards the end. Easily. Never did, but I 100% could have seen him doing it. 

That's where I am with Joe Biden here. Am I 100% sure he thought this mystery blonde was Jill? No. But am I 100% sure it was a possibility. Oh yeah. Easy. 

Again, what a country.  

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.