Dick Vitale Gets Great News From His Doctor: He's BACK!

Dick Vitale can work again, baby! 

The college basketball world received incredible news Monday as Dr. Steven Zeitels gave the ESPN legend, who has battled cancer three times in the past two years, the update he had been waiting for: Dickie V. can return to the broadcasting world this fall. 

"The surgery that you had recently to reconstruct your vocal cords went beautifully. I'm very optimistic in the fall it's encouraging that you can get back to work," Zeitels told the 85-year-old Dickie V. 

"I see no evidence of the cancer whatsoever, so I think this is a terrific visit and I'm really optimistic the future is really bright for what you want to do which is return to the court."

Now, that will come with restrictions, but Dickie V. is locked in on what the doc is asking of him which is to take this slow. In other words, Dickie V. can't be screaming about PTPers and diaper dandies. 

We have to take this slow! 

In December, Vitale announced that he was cancer-free, but that his vocal cords were recovering due to radiation treatments. 

"The 35 radiation treatments I had for my vocal cord cancer wiped out the cancer but created some problems to my vocal cords," Vitale told USA Today late last year.

Between his battles with cancer and the vocal cord issue, Vitale hasn't worked since 2022. Even though he was cleared to use his voice during March Madness this year, Vitale declined an invitation from CBS because of his loyalty to ESPN. 

Based on Zietels news, we'll soon hear Dickie V. on a basketball broadcast and that's great for those of us who are heading into middle age and losing those voices of our youth. 

"Somebody sent me a picture of my yearbook. There's a picture of me my high school senior year. Underneath the picture it says ‘Everybody’s buddy,'" a tearful Vitale told broadcaster Graham Bensinger in the spring. 

"I miss that," Dickie V. added with the emotions pouring out. 

We missed it, too, Dick. 

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.