Denise Richards Ruptured Her Breast Implants During Reality Show

Pour some out for Denise Richards' OnlyFans subscribers.

The 53-year-old actress revealed a few days ago that during her time on the reality show Special Forces: World's Toughest Test she ruptured her breast implants.

Is this an end to Denise's journey into content, a journey that started more than two years ago when she followed in her daughter's footsteps?

She hasn’t provided an update on that just yet. The first order of business is what to do next with her breast implants.

While on the Fox reality show, she was forced to leave early due to injury. She says she suffered the injury to her breast implants during one of the first tasks she attempted - jumping off a bridge.

Denise discussed her unplanned exit with Entertainment Weekly. She said she was initially concerned about another possible injury.

"So I had four hernias… repaired a couple years [ago] actually when I did Housewives," she explained. "Also with that harness [on the bridge jump], because it's around that area and then also over our chest, we thought that that was damaged too… But that's all good. I had swelling in the area, but it went down, and I didn't need surgery again."

Good news on the hernia front, but unfortunately the implants did not survive, and she still needs to decide which road she wants to take to address them.

Denise Richards still has a decision to make on how she wants to take care of her ruptured breast implants

"I still have to have surgery with my implants. I just haven't had the downtime yet. I'm hoping to do it in a couple weeks," she revealed. "Either [replaced] or removed, whatever I decide to do. The ones that are there have to come out."

Despite the future of her boobs being up in the air, and her seeking medical attention forcing her off the show early, Denise is proud of all she accomplished while on the show.

She told EW, "I am actually very proud of myself. I had the guts to jump off a bridge… I was so happy. Even though I couldn't climb in that helicopter, I was very happy. I was able to at least grab on and hang from there. I never in a million years thought I could do that."

Denise had the guts, yes. The boobs, no. The reality show will go on without her. It airs Wednesdays at 8 pm on Fox.

As far as Denise's implants go, hopefully we'll receive an update once her decision on how to proceed is made. All the best as she makes that decision.