Democrats Now Coming For Logan Paul and PRIME Energy Drink

It's a day that ends in "Y" so that means the government is trying to find another way to interfere in your daily life.

The most recent example involves New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer. The elder politician is calling on the FDA to investigate Youtuber-turned-wrestler Logan Paul's popular Prime energy drink because Schumer believes that it may not be healthy for teenagers to consume.

Yes, that's right - no longer can parents actually protect their children. Rather, the big ol' United States government knows best! What could possibly go wrong?


Paul's Prime drink has become massively popular in recent months thanks to a well structured TikTok campaign that has made the hard-to-find drink a must-have for Gen Z'ers.

The drink comes in three types - two of which are for "post-workout recovery," which the company says will help people "refresh, replenish , and refuel." The other drink is called Prime Energy - which Schumer believes contains too much caffeine. So as a politician always does, Schumer is now calling for an investigation into it.


Each 12 oz. Prime Energy drink contains 200mg of caffeine, which is equivalent to about 2 Red Bulls (although Red Bulls are smaller in size). Is that a lot? Sure, but should the government have to get involved and ruin things like it always does? Absolutely not.

What makes Schumer's argument even more laughable is that Prime literally discloses on each drink can that they "do not recommend for anyone under the age of 18," so it's not like they are trying to cover up that the drink has a lot of caffeine in it - it's literally called an energy drink!

In a statement, Prime said that their Energy drink falls "within the legal limit of the countries it's sold in" and that it has "complied" with all FDA guidelines. They also mention that their caffeine levels are in the same range as competing brands. That's apparently not enough regulation for Chucky Schumer who wants the government to be the ultimate decision maker instead of parents.

Who knows, maybe Schumer's just angry that he didn't invest into the Prime game when it first launched. In less than a year, Logan Paul and co-founder boxing personality have already brought in over $250 million.

That kind of money is worthy of a nice drink.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.