Dem Delegate Learns Chicago Is A Crime-Ridden Hellhole During Robbery

You can't make it up. 

A Democratic Texas delegate was robbed at gunpoint by masked men shortly after leaving the Democratic National Convention in Chicago earlier this week. Welcome to Biden's America, am I right? 

According to police, the gunman approached the 25-year-old male delegate and his friends as they were heading to their hotel after the DNC event wrapped up. The robber was wearing a ski mask when he pulled the gun and demanded the delegate's wallet, which also included his hotel room card.


The suspects are described as "two men between 5 foot 7 and 5 foot 9," which should be all the Chicago Police Description needs as they work to apprehend the suspects… Yeah, right.

If that wasn't enough, the alleged assailant went on to rob two other people across the street - ya know, just because! Heck of a cesspool of a city you'e got going on there, Chicago - seems fitting that the DNC would be there! 

Fortunately the delegate and his friend were unharmed, but it truly is the epitome of irony that you had Vice President Kamala Harris ranting about her and President Biden's track record of making the country safer and cutting crime down, while you had a Demcoratic delegate literally being held up at gunpoint.

Oh, and let's not forget about the 22 people who were shot in three days in Chicago with six of them losing their lives. That conveniently didn't make her speech.