Delta Force Operator Praises Trump's Reaction To Getting Shot: VIDEO

Former Delta Force operator Brent Tucker was impressed by Donald Trump's reaction to getting shot.

Trump was shot Saturday during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, and is lucky to be alive after the bullet hit his ear instead of his skull. A slight turn of the head likely saved Trump's life.

While many people might panic after getting shot, Trump was unbelievably calm and collected. He got up with blood streaming down his face, and hit his supporters with a fist pump while yelling "Fight!"

Tucker was impressed.

Delta Force veteran praises Donald Trump's reaction to being shot.

"You find out who you are when you get shot...But for those of us who have been shot or have been around people who have been shot and you've seen them react to being shot, you understand exactly what that means. He got shot [Saturday] in the face, and he didn't cower. He didn't sit in the fetal position for hours on end. He didn't have to get carried off the stage. And then he walked off stage fist pumping," the former Delta Force commando said on a post-assassination attempt episode of "The Antihero Podcast." He also said "they just made a legend" out of the former President.

You can watch his awesome comments in the video below, and hit me with your thoughts at

Tucker's comments are similar to what former SEAL Team 6 sniper Chris Fettes previously told me. The former DEVGRU operator said, "With Trump; that fist raise with no fear for his own life and care to what the public thinks - that’s something unteachable. Fight or flight. Often SOF (Special Operations Forces) selectees find this out in combat. Some of them have to leave because they didn’t know they always react in ‘flight’ to combat. I was grateful to find out I react in ‘fight’ like Trump did."

It's definitely awesome to see actual combat veterans praise Trump's response as incredibly badass. Say whatever you want about the guy, but the one thing you can't say is that he didn't show absurd energy by throwing up a fist pump after taking a bullet.

What did you think of Donald Trump's reaction? Let me know at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.