Black Ops Member Makes Violent Promise To Cartels If Trump Orders War: WATCH

Former Delta Force operator Brent Tucker thinks Tier One forces will smash drug cartel targets if ordered to by President Donald Trump.

There are serious debates happening in America right now about how President Trump should handle the cartels in Mexico. He declared the cartels foreign terrorist organizations on his first day back in office, which allows him to reach deeper into the toolbox to fight them.

Does that include sending Delta Force and other Tier One assets to smack targets?

Delta Force veteran weighs in on potential combat against the cartels.

People have varying opinions on how using Delta Force and other Tier One assets might go, but few men have actually served in a T1 unit.

Brent Tucker, a great guest on American Joyride, spent a significant amount of time in Delta Force, and has a better idea than just about anyone out there about what combat looks like and T1 capabilities.

Tucker said the following, in part, during the podcast's popular Thursday night Squadcast when talking about targeting cartels:

"They're more of a terrorist organization, right? What do terrorist organizations do? They hit people when they're not looking. They put car bombs. They prey on the weak. They are the equivalent of people in manjams and flip-flops in Mexico, and if you think they're in the shoothouse every day like a Tier One element, if you think they're on the flat range every day like a Tier One element, if you think they have the technology and the assets a Tier One element has, you're sorely mistaken. We would absolutely wipe the floor with them. Will it be easy? Will there be some losses? Of course. It's a dangerous game. Are they any match for us? No."

You can listen to his full comments starting around 9:00 in the video below, and make sure to let me know your thoughts at

I think it's had to argue with Tucker's outlook on the situation. Now, we can debate all day long about whether using the military to attack the cartels is a good idea. There are plenty of points to be made on all sides.

What we can't argue is the fact that the cartels are going to get waxed when it comes to direct action raids. They will experience things their brains simply can't imagine.

Do you have any idea how fast Delta Force operators are when they hit a target? It's often over before the bad guys even know what the hell happened. The speed of Tier One operators is nothing short of terrifying.

Add in all the other assets they can bring down on a target - most specifically airpower - and cartel tough guys would get turned into a puddle.

Again, that's not to say a massive military strategy is the best option. I'm simply arguing that when it comes to direct action missions, the cartels would get the beatdown of a lifetime. ISIS thought they were tough too. Go look up the footage from when Baghdadi got a house visit. The outcome would be no different south of the border.

Do you think Delta Force and other Tier One elements are capable of taking out cartel targets? Let me know at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.