Danica Patrick, Tomi Lahren Have Conservatives Fuming With Surprising Stance On Transgenders

Didn't think I'd spend my Friday morning breaking down if Danica Patrick and Tomi Lahren's stance on transgenders was conservative enough, but here we are. 

What a way to end the week! You never know where this crazy ride is gonna take you. Best thing to do is just strap in, hold on tight, and pray you get to wherever you're going in one piece. 

Earlier this week, Danica joined Tomi for a little 1-on-1 time on Tomi's show. The conversation covered anything and everything under the sun. At one point, they broke down the Tate brothers. What a sentence to type in 2025. 

Anyway, the two eventually made their way to the state representative from Delaware, Sarah McBride. Or is it Tim McBride? Frankly, I don't know, which is sort of the whole point of the video below. 

Take a look!

When does ‘misgendering’ turn into bullying?

See? Jarring stuff from our two fearless leaders. Admittedly, it's a somewhat surprising take from both, if I'm being honest. Not saying it's right or wrong … just didn't see it coming from Tomi Lahren and Danica Patrick. That's all. 

The event in question, by the way, took place earlier this week, when a congressional hearing turned into chaos after McBride was called "mister" … twice. 

Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa Nellie! Pure anarchy here. What a time to be alive, huh? You weren't getting #content like that back in 1980! 

"This meeting is adjourned … BAM!"

So, the question now becomes … when is the line crossed? That's essentially what Danica Patrick and Tomi are trying to figure out, right? When does the movement become bullying? Does it ever become bullying? 

Or, do you subscribe to the "you can't give these people an inch" theory? 

Turns out, most of the conservative world over on Elon's Twitter does, because Danica and Tomi were dragged through the mud yesterday over this take. 

Just torched:

I could go on and on. Trust me. It's an absolute war zone over there, and I'm not sure if there's one positive comment. Seriously, it's shockingly one-sided for today's world. 

So, where do we stand here? Tomi and Danica say purposely ‘misgendering’ someone is unnecessary, rude, and basically just being a dick to be a dick. Pun intended, of course. 

The other side says that the time for coddling is over, and they're done bending the knee to the pronoun warriors. They bend their knee to God, and that's it!

I'm gonna go ahead and play this one neutral because it's Friday and I don't feel like pissing people off today. Yeah, I know, coward's way out. Whatever. 

If I had to choose, I'd say I lean more to the internet's side over Tomi and Danica's. I don't want to be a bully, but I'm also just so tired of the nonsense from the past four years that my give-a-damn is just about maxed out. 

What say you? Lemme know! Zach.Dean@OutKick.com. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.