Danica Patrick Sits Down With 'Blu Of Earth,' The Ex-Girlfriend Of Aaron Rodgers Who May Also Be A Witch

Well, it's happened … Danica Patrick and Blu of Earth finally sat down this week, broke bread, and gave the internet the 65-minute conversation we've all been waiting for. 

What a way to start a big weekend!

Oh, who's Blu of Earth, you ask? Oh, she's just Aaron Rodgers' famous ex-girlfriend who also may be a witch. That's who. Duh. 

They did some serious drugs together during a famous four-day summer bender a few years back, things got super weird when word got out that Blu was a self-described "medicine woman," and she had to address some pretty nasty rumors of being a witch. She claimed she wasn't, but I'm not sure anyone really bought it. I guess there's a big difference between medicine woman and witch. Who knew?

Anyway, I don't need to explain who Danica Patrick is, of course. You all know. She's another one of Aaron's ex-lovers, and – while not a witch – also loves to dabble in some Ayahuasca. Well, she used to be, at least. 

The former racer has made a move to politics (the good kind!) this year, and seemingly rattles a liberal every few days now. 

But she took a break from that yesterday, instead sitting down with Blu of Earth for a podcast that should do bigger numbers than most PPV fights:

Danica Patrick and Blu cover everything

Best tips for manifesting your dreams. Perfect. Can't wait to really dive into this bad boy. Sounds electric. 

For those who don't remember the summer of 2022, Aaron and Blu made waves when they jetted off to South America for a four-day darkness retreat complete with enough Ayahuasca to kill a horse.

The two started dating earlier that summer, and the internet was rocked to the core when rumors swirled that Blu was also a witch and a self-described "medicine woman."

Even though Ms. Earth pushed back on those rumors – somewhat – there was no denying that she was/is a different bird.

In an April 18 Instagram post liked by Rodgers earlier that year, Blu broke into poetry to share her feelings on life.

The winds of change are upon us – do you feel it? On an individual level and a collective level.
During times of great change – surrender, stillness and softening is our greatest ally. 

See you on the other side family.

Thank you for being on this journey of life with me.

I love you.


I mean, does this chick make you think or WHAT? Love her. 

Fast-forward to late last year, and Blu resurfaced with … Danica! That's right. Turns out, Patrick and Earth had struck up a friendship over the years – that happens at Ayahuasca retreats (allegedly) – and Blu let the cat out of the bag last Christmas when she called Danica "a sister" in an Instagram story. 

Fast-forward, again, to this week, and these two lovebirds sat down for what certainly sounds like a doozy of a podcast. Some of the items on the menu include:

- Eternal beauty

- Your superpower

- The Lion's Gate

- Find the answers in silence

No clue what that last one means, but I'm all in on finding out. 

Anyway, here's a little preview of what to expect if you do dive in at some point today. Blu and Danica tackle wealth at the 15-minute mark, and Earth gives us some of the best advice (I think) I've ever heard:

"Anything that is built from the seed of fear has within it its own demise. So you build a business because you're trying to make more money to stop wealth, because you're afraid of not having it. It will crumble. 

So we're seeing the stock market, everything is shifting right now, everything is changing, because the things that are founded in fear have within it the seed of its own demise. 

And it's shifting into intuitive receptive feminine essence of our creativity and our feeling."

Amen, sister. Put it on a shirt!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.