Danica Patrick In The Shower Is What Made Super Bowls Great

It's Super Bowl Friday, which means we're two days away from getting to watch the exact same team we've watched in this game for the third year in a row. 

Who's excited?! Can you feel it?? Nothing? Nobody? Crickets? Okeedokee!

Look, I know we're all bummed it's Eagles-Chiefs. I get it. We could've gotten Redskins-Bills, and instead we got the same game we got two years ago. It's sad. I know. 

BUT, it's still football. And it's still the Super Bowl. AND, we still get to break down commercials like the Zapruder film. It's the one and only time of year we watch them, so let's enjoy it, right?

And hey! If we're lucky, we may even get #content like this Danica Patrick gem from 2013. Remember where you were when this one graced our color television sets? I do. How could you NOT:

Danica Patrick and Go Daddy were legendary 

Incredible. Nothing got America going quite like the old Go Daddy commercials. Nothing. 

And hey! Even Danica misses them:

"AHHHH THOSE WERE FUN TIMES!!!" she screamed in an Instagram post last night, referring to the above ad from 2013. 

"FUN TIMES!!!!" indeed, Danica. That's … certainly one way to phrase it. Personally, I'd go with "scarring," but I reckon it depends on how you view it. 

What a commercial. Look, those Go Daddy commercials with Danica were legendary 15 years ago. Nothing turned on America every single February quite like a Danica Patrick Go Daddy ad in the second quarter of the Super Bowl. Nothing. 

It was the only time every single year we were unified, frankly. 

I watched this bad boy in college with a bunch of hammered buddies at my house, and the entire room went silent for those eight seconds of kissing. We were all amazed and petrified at the same time. 

That's when you know it's a good commercial. When it can captivate a room full of tanked college sophomores all living on daddy's credit card, you know you've stuck gold. 

And that's what Danica and Go Daddy did regularly for years. Until, sadly, they broke up. Awful decision for both, frankly. Mainly Go Daddy. When was the last time you even thought about Go Daddy? Not since they pumped up #content like this, I bet. 

Oh well. Maybe they'll sneak back into our lives on Sunday as we all sit there miserable, watching Travis Kelce scream into the microphone after winning his 19th Super Bowl. 

Save us, Danica & Go Daddy!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.