Danica Patrick Mocks Kamala Harris, UNC Soccer Star Rocks An Idaho Boat & Tom Brady Adds To His Dating Resume

Hump Day! We're here. We made it. NFL camps are BACK. We're two weeks away from the Hall of Fame game, three weeks from preseason, and exactly four weeks from FSU-Georgia Tech in Dublin. That's 28 days for those counting at home. A touch over 40,000 minutes. 

I mean, who has it better than us right now? Sure, we've got no actual president at the moment, and it's a billion degrees outside – Monday was the hottest day ever on this planet, they tell me – but besides that? We are GOLDEN. Right as rain. Ready to rock and/or roll.

So let's rock the boat with UNC Kate on this hump day class, shall we?

On that note, welcome to a Wednesday Nightcaps – the one where we check in with Kate Faasse out in Idaho and go from there. 

What else? I've got Danica Patrick continuing her recent heater by mocking Kamala Harris – with a Clay Travis cameo! – and then maybe we'll shift gears and check in with Tom Brady. I hear Tom is potentially dating another SI Swimsuit legend. The guy continues to build his Hall of Fame resume well into retirement. Insane. 

We can't talk about Brady without mentioning Gisele, so we'll check in with her, and then maybe even check in on the unemployment line down in Miami Gardens. Seriously, someone get this dude a job STAT. 

OK, that's enough to get us started. I reckon we'll talk about more as the day rolls on. Just a hunch. 

Grab you some tequila for National Tequila Day, pour it out because tequila is nasty and un-American, and then grab the whiskey like a true Patriot and settle in for a Hump Day 'Cap!

Danica Patrick continues her hot streak by showing how absurd the Kamala movement is 

I know all NFL teams hit the practice field for the first time today, so we really should be starting off with that. Actual sports content (sort of). But, we also live in an absolute Bizarro world right now, so we have to start with the media's newest darling … Kamala Harris!

It's so funny, isn't it? For weeks, all you've heard out of the lefty media was how unfit Joe Biden was for office. How alarming the debate was. How the democrats were in serious trouble. 

For the first time in … ever … the liberal media sounded sane. Like, actually sane. Like they were coming back down to earth after spending eight years with their heads in the clouds. 

And then Biden dropped out, which they wanted, and Kamala was inserted as the nominee, which they wanted. And now, they're right back to being the most dishonest humans on this planet:

I mean, it's just insane. The coup is officially over, and they're now back to their daily work of brainwashing people with lies, lies and more … lies. Hilarious. And the worst part? It may work. 

Don't for a second think Kamala can't beat Trump with three months to go. Now that they're all back on the same team and working like this, it's game on. I've seen this movie before, and it STINKS. 

Luckily for us, we have Danica Patrick and Clay to lead the charge on our side. What a battle:

UNC soccer star Kate Faasse checks in from Idaho

Get ‘em, Danica Patrick! Call out the hypocrisy, one lunatic at a time. With Danica leading the charge, how can we lose? We can’t. 

(we very much can because they will stop at nothing to keep the mean man out of office. Nothing. Buckle up)

OK, let's leave the politics alone and get back to business …

For starters, I made the switch to T-Mobile yesterday. Most of you suggested that was the move a few weeks ago when I asked, and I trust the readers with my life. You haven't steered me wrong yet, and, so far, you're good on this one, too. No issues. Better service, frankly, and it's $70 cheaper than the crooks at AT&T. 

Plus, I get free Netflix and Apple TV with it? How do they even do that? They also just … paid off both our phones and gave us brand-new ones. I assume there will be a catch at some point down the line, but, if it saves me $700 a year, I'm good with mostly anything. Famous last words, I reckon. 

Anyway, I say all that to introduce UNC soccer star Kate Faasse to class because I had a ton of free time yesterday in the T-Mobile store waiting for the First Lady's phone to get switched over, and stumbled upon Kate here because she was going viral after a weekend dominating an Idaho lake. 

It's a rough transition, but it's the best I got on this third Hump Day of July. Cut me some slack, huh?

Tommy Brady, Gisele, punters and tackling drills

Welcome to class, Kate! Now, are you the next Olivia Dunne? I mean, the internet is always so quick to crown the next-something, so it's certainly possible. But there's also a lot of year left. Hell, the school year hasn't even started yet. 

Might be time to pump the brakes just a bit, but this is a solid start. Nobody milks a college education quite like Livvy, who for some reason is coming back to LSU again this season. So, you know, I'm not sure there's a real need for the next Olivia Dunne, since the current one is very much still here. 

But, that doesn't mean an Heir Apparent can't be waiting in the wings. You ever seen Game of Thrones? House of the Dragon? That's how the world works (minus incest, you know)

OK, time for a Hump Day rapid-fire. First up? Look who's back to dabbling with supermodels!

And? What's your point, Not Jack Napier? Jordon Hudson was just 1 when Bill Belichick won his first Super Bowl. Get off your high horse and let true love flourish. From the Daily Mail:

The former football star, 46, and the brunette bombshell, 27, were recently both seen attending Michael Rubin's annual Fourth of July white party.

According to Deux U, a popular entertainment news podcast, the two have been spotted together multiple times. 

Brady was seen hanging out on what appeared to be on the rooftop of the house and was seen chatting with Rob Gronkowski.. Meanwhile, Brooks was seen with LSU gymnast Olivia Dunne and model Xandra Pohl on a balcony as they took selfies and joked around early on in the bash. 

For those keeping count at home, that would be at least three supermodels linked to Brady since Gisele cheated on him with the martial arts guy. Again, the guy is putting together a resume that would send even Derek Jeter down to the minors. What a run. 

Next!? Well, since we're here …

Strike, counter punch. Strike, counter punch. Bam, bam, bam! These two just keep going back and forth. What a battle. We're always #TeamTom here at Nightcaps, but it's always nice when Gisele stops by. 

Now, while Tom is playing grab-ass away from the field, the fellas on the field reported back to work today. Well, some of them …

Red Sox/Yankees takes us into the night

I mean, that last one is just incredible. What a sign. 

Sanders, I can hold your balls better! As OutKick's resident Dolphins fan, along with Amber, of course, I wholeheartedly agree. If you're not gonna sign Tua, at least sign Kyle Ulbrich, you crooks!

OK. That's all for today. It's the 20-year anniversary of the infamous Redsox/Yankees brawl at Fenway. Hard to believe. I watched it live. Greatest season of my life as a sports fan. 

Varitek and A-Rod going at it! 

See you tomorrow. 

OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).

You riding with Danica Patrick or Kamala? Email me at Zach.Dean@OutKick.com. 

Written by
Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.