Danica Patrick Gives Criminal Anthony Fauci A Taste Of His Own Medicine

Danica Patrick – the leader of the MAHA movement – isn't ready to let that criminal, Anthony Fauci, off the hook. Pardon him all you want, Joe – Danica does not CARE. 

We're all out for blood over the crap he pulled during COVID. He's a crook. A scumbag. A LOSER. We don't want Tony Fauci to walk amongst us FREE Americans anymore – not after 2020. Never again. 

Now, Joe Biden pardoned him, because only innocent people get pardoned. Sad. Ya got lucky, Tony! But Danica Patrick hasn't forgotten, and she gave Fauci a parting shot on Friday's day of love. 

Get 'em, Danica!

Take that, Tony! How's THAT shot feel? God, he's the worst. This guy made our lives miserable for years, took away our freedoms (unless you live in Florida!), shuttered schools and businesses. You name it, he did it. 

Guy also threw just the worst first pitch of all time. Remember this? Iconic:

The worst. Scumbag to the highest degree. And Biden just gave him a pass. Of COURSE he did. Amazing, really. Not shocking, but still, shocking. 

Anyway, Danica Patrick called BS on Fauci from Day 1, and, frankly, it's partly what led her to join Donald Trump and the MAGA movement. 

Five years ago, you wouldn't have caught Danica dead with a Donald Trump hat on. Now? She spent the past year actively campaigning for him – along with RFK Jr. – because the world had become so batshit crazy. 

In the end, Danica won THE most important race of her life. Never took the checkers in an actual NASCAR race, but she helped steer Donald Trump to victory. I'll take it. 

And now, she's firing off shots at Anthony Fauci on Valentine's Day. What a turnaround. What a day. 

Let's go have a big Daytona 500 weekend. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.