Danica Patrick Gets Real About Her Fake Boobs

Danica Patrick continues to be an open book. She's been on an unreal content heater since dipping her toe into the world of politics last fall, and it's been a downhill train ever since. 

And now, she's walking us through her journey with fake boobs. 

For those who don't know – and I suspect many do because it's not exactly a secret – Danica Patrick got breast implants while she was a racer. Just like that. She wanted them, she got them. 

And she HATED them. Not her thing, as you'll see in a minute. She eventually got them removed because they were awful and uncomfortable and suffered from something called "breast implant illness." That's a real thing, for those who think I'm making up phrases. True story. 

Anyway, she's back to her OG self – real boobs – and is now opening up about her decade with implants. Roll tape!

Danica Patrick continues to be a firecracker

Danica is nothing if not truthful. She doesn't sugarcoat anything. She wanted to feel sexy and have big boobs and fill out a bikini and bra. No harm in that. 

"I want the whole package now," as she so delicately put it. And Danica got it. The whole damn thing. 

Until they ended up making her sick – weirdly sick. I'm talking hair loss and weight gain. During an interview in 2018, she even admitted she experienced everything from hypothyroidism, swollen lymphnodes, dizzy spells and vitamin deficiencies. 

Not great. And not worth the big boobs, especially if you're gonna be self-conscious every time someone touches them. 

"I thought they'd make me feel sexier as a woman, but that didn't work out, either," she said. "Any time I'd be touched, I'd be thinking to myself, ‘these are fake.’

Yeah, no good. Can't have that. Get those fake things outta there, and let the chips fall where they may. El natural, as Creed Bratton would say. 

And that's what Danica did. Just like that. Reversed it, went back to what God gave her, and the rest is history. Now, she's a firecracker political pundit on Instagram with a popular podcast and enough money to dominate Euro summer trips. 

What a comeback. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.