Danica Patrick Destroys Kamala Harris With Three-Word Response To Tax Plan

For those out there wondering if Danica Patrick was moved to #BackKamala after her rousing (I use that term loosely) DNC speech, don't worry … she is most definitely not. 

Patrick entered the political arena about a year ago after years of dating Aaron Rodgers, Ayahuasca trips, and God knows what else, and we really didn't know which way she would lean politically. 

And then she showed up at a Turning Point USA event, and all was right with the world. She's not a full-blown conservative, but she definitely leans right and bleeds red (don't we all?). 

So, no – she ain't impressed with Kamala Harris. Or her stupid tax plan!

"This is asinine," Patrick wrote on her Instagram story in response to Harris' proposed 25% tax on unrealized gains. 

Danica Patrick ain't falling for Kamala Harris

Amen, Danica! 

Look, I don't pretend to know too much about unrealized gains and capital gains and all the stuff, but I do know I don't like shit being taxed. And if I don't realize it, why the hell would I like it?

Yes, I know that's not how unrealized gains actually work. I'm playing dumb. I understand it a bit. My finance guy – yeah, I have a finance guy! – tells me this ain't gonna be good, so I'm with Danica Patrick here. 

And by the way, if you thought Danica was maybe on the fence about voting Trump before last night, think again. She's a HUGE RFK Jr. girl. Loves him. Her and my wife, buddy. They'd both leave me for RFK Jr. In a heartbeart. 

Anyway, after Bobby brought down the house at Trump's Arizona rally last night, it's all systems go for Danica and #TeamTrump. It's a wrap, folks. 

"Wow, I like them both," she said last night on Instagram. "Even better together!"

Amen, sister. Let's get this country back on track. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.