Danica Patrick Calls Out 'Bulls--t' Pride Post About Queer Time Travel

Danica Patrick, who has become a bit of a loose cannon in the political world over the past six months, isn't buying what one lesbian is selling when it comes to the space-time continuum. 

How about THAT for an intro sentence? If you ain't reading after that, I don't know what to tell you. It's the best I got. I'm all out. 

Anyway, the ex-NASCAR and IndyCar star has made it pretty clear that she leans very much to the right. Maybe not entirely – she's a Bobby Kennedy fan, after all – but definitely more so than the left. 

Patrick stands up for women's rights when it comes to the transgender movement in sports, has made it clear that the left needs to leave our children alone, and, just recently, took to Instagram to call BS on one female who claimed that queer and trans people … experience time differently than us boring straight folks. 


"Are you kidding me? Bullshit," Patrick captioned her Instagram story, which played the below video:

Danica Patrick isn't having the nonsense 

I mean, who knew?! Wild stuff right here. Here I was, going through life, thinking we all experienced time the same way. 

I thought we were all the same, right? That's what the left keeps yelling at me during Pride month – LOVE EVERYONE THE SAME! WE'RE ALL THE SAME!!!!

So what happened here? Apparently, we're not all the same. What a twist! Some of us loser straight people just go through life on the boring heterosexual timeline. Yuck. 

Little did we know that our queer and trans counterparts were just sitting around, miles behind us, stuck in their version of the present. Trapped, even. 

This right here is why the internet is hilarious. You can just say whatever the hell you want and people will just … believe you. That little podcast plug has over 17,000 likes. People really, truly believe it. 

Now, the comments section is actually pretty ruthless and way more in line with Danica Patrick. 

A couple gems:

This woman has a bachelors in Yappology...

Cis is a slur. I’d appreciate if you didn’t refer to me as cis. Thank you.

I spent the whole video waiting for an edit to come in and save the day but nope... it was just this ridiculous. 

The delusion gets deeper every month. 

This is why academia is a joke. 

All in all, another day, another learning experience for us straight folks. Now, we know. And we're all better (dumber) because of it. 


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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.