Dallas Mavericks Star Luka Doncic Surprises Unsuspecting Gamers During 'Overwatch' Match

NBA stars, they're just like the rest of us.

When he's not playing as the face of the Dallas Mavericks, four-time NBA All-Star Luka Doncic likes to sit back in his X-Chair at the end of the day and play online video games ... beer probably in hand.

So if the NBA star's playing online, what are the chances of running into him during a match? Slim, but it's possible.

Twitch Gamers Run Into Mavs Star Luka Doncic

A lobby of unsuspecting gamers had this chance encounter after apparently running into Doncic during a game of the popular first-person shooter, Overwatch 2.

The gamers' live stream caught their awkward interaction with Luka as they started to ask what the professional NBA player did for fun, treating him as if he were another random teammate.

“You have any hobbies?” one of the gamers asked.

Doncic was sporting the gamer tag, "Donatello," playing as the character Zarya.

“Yeah, I play basketball,” Doncic responded, sounding real coy about his star status.

After revealing he played for the Mavericks, the Twitch streamers started asking for autographs.


As relayed by Gamer Rant, Doncic has long been a fan of this gaming franchise. Before being drafted in 2018, Doncic spoke about his fandom of the first Overwatch release.

According to Active Player, Overwatch 2 reels in roughly 1.68 million players online every day. The game drew in over 25 million players in its first 10 days of release back on Oct. 2022.

Nearly five years later, Luka's love for Overwatch is as potent as his offense for the Mavs. Doncic currently leads the NBA in scoring, averaging 33.4 points per game.

Doncic likes to turn up the offense in Overwatch, playing as characters like Hanzo, Genji and Roadhog.

Gamerverse or basketball court, winning is a team effort. And despite Luka's efforts, the Mavericks are currently seventh in the Western Conference standings (33-32).

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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick, living in Southern California. 

AA's insights on topics ranging from cinema to food and politics transformed the lives of average folks worldwide into followers of the OutKick Way©

Trying to out-wit this writer has been likened to staring at the sun and waiting for it to blink first. 

Interests: Jeopardy, movies, Jiu-Jitsu, faith, Los Angeles. (follow @alejandroaveela on X)