Dallas Cowboys Announce 2024 Cheerleaders & Charly Made It, Tiger's Bare Leg, Plus Dodgers Fans Fight

Finding my very own Healing Waters® this summer

You're not going to hear much from me this week because I'm in the Smokies with my family chasing healing waters, chasing sunrises, sunsets, lightning storms from the deck, and reconnecting with nature. 

Now, I know what you're thinking, "You went to the Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg area to relax?"

For this leg of the trip, we're 45 minutes SW of Gatlinburg near Townsend, TN, which is a river tubing town along the Little River which winds its way through the national park. Yes, there are Gatlinburg tourists that make the trip down here, but what I've figured out is that they make the drive through Cades Cove & then return to their cabins up north and leave Townsend to those of us who want things quieter. 

How quiet is it around here? After wading in the Little River with the kids, we rolled into a Townsend brewery/restaurant last night and had our food in 15 minutes. No wait. No line. No screaming booger eaters or Stanley-succin' Mama Bears screaming at managers. No travel ball teams yelling about how they're 6-0 in pool play at the Cal Ripken complex. 


Then it was back to the cabin where we're treated to views like this one from 8 a.m. this morning: 

Monday night: 

So far, this has not gotten old, especially when there's lightning. 

We'll be from here to Asheville, NC, up into far corners of eastern TN over the next few days. We'll be chasing healing waters, looking for mini golf courses where I can exact revenge on Mrs. Screencaps who dominated mini golf on our family trip last summer and trying to find relaxation before summer ends and the football season grind begins. 

Yet another reader in Johnson City, Tn wants to connect with the JCTN Screencaps gang

- Ben writes: 

Ben from Johnson City here. As a loyal purveyor of screencaps, screencaps facebook member and Thursday Night Mowing League aficionado.

I live in Johnson City and I've gotta get hooked up with this group. Not sure of the proper etiquette in making that happen. 

Feel free to share my email with them. Maybe they'll shoot me an invite to their next get together. 


I have forwarded Ben's info to JCTN gang leader Galen D. This group just continues to grow week after week. They're going to need a special hideout if the numbers keep rising. And maybe gang colors.

Steve B. shares a travel ball story and a response to his Hallmark movie script being a huge success

- Steve B. in Grand Junction, CO writes: 

Sorry to get back to you so late. My phone died at our travel ball tournament this weekend in the mountains east of Provo, Utah, where during a game, one of the step-dads nearly came to blows with a parent on the other team. It got so heated, I asked my daughter to film it because this brawl was going to go viral and I planned on capturing some YouTube Adsense revenue off of it. 

The dads were eventually separated, but then the moms starting getting into it, screaming F-bombs at each other. (I miss the laid-back vibe of our little league).

Anyway, to answer Phillip's question about ratings: I'm a lower-class kid from Granby, Colorado, so having millions of people watch something I made up is beyond thrilling and a dream come true. 

I'm not writing another one (yet), because I was a little turned off by all the rewriting and script changes involved in the first one (plots changed, good jokes taken out, etc.).

I don't mean to sound ungrateful; I'm a 55 year old guy in the middle of nowhere with zero Hollywood experience and no connections. Just getting one of these made is a miracle, but writing by committee isn't my thing, which is why I wrote and filmed my own low-budget movie last summer. I hope to get into at least one of the 11 remaining film festivals I've entered. Sundance has already told me "thanks, but no thanks." (I KNEW it wasn't woke enough for them, ha.)

Don't worry, Landon will have that lawn repaired in no time

- John W. writes: 

I can hear some in TNML yelling ‘But what about the lawn!?!?’


Remember, Landon is the guy who went out and bought himself a very expensive zero turn after signing a massive contract. He knows how to take care of the grass once the plastic is pulled up. He'll make the necessary repairs and go back to his job as an Eagles lineman. 

Fake names in the news

- Steve in Louisville, KY spotted this name: 

This story pops up on my news feed this morning, and lo and behold, look at the pollster's name! With a name like that, I'm pretty sure it's the law that you have to become a Democratic pollster. Either that, or you still have some connections from your Big J newsman days to sneak in a classic troll job.


And that's it from here in Tennessee. I'm off to hit the go-karts, the mini golf, the woods and probably some form of healing waters. There's a swimming pool and deli with a catch and release fishing pond at the bottom of the small mountain where our cabin is located. 

Let's see what the day brings. 

Go have a great one. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

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Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.