Viral Creepiest Work Experiences Include Lots Of Death And A Ghost

Have you ever had a truly creepy work experience?

I found myself down another deep Reddit rabbit hole (don't act so surprised), and this one revolved around the creepiest experiences people have ever had at work.

Admittedly, when I think of going to work, I don't even consider something creepy is going to happen. I'm sure many of you reading this feel the same way.

Well, there are apparently plenty of people out there with wild stories.

Creepy work experiences go viral

The Reddit thread titled "Whats the creepiest thing you've heard someone at your job say?" is bound to send a few chills down your spine.

Check out some of the truly unhinged and insane stories below, and hit me with your reactions at Consider yourself warned.

  • More unsettling than creepy TBH. I was checking the voicemail at the dialysis clinic when I opened one morning because sometimes our patients will leave us a message the night before if they know they're going to be late or miss treatment. Sweet elderly patient had left a message that said "I'm sorry ladies, I won't make it tomorrow morning. I'm going to see Hazel." Hazel was his wife who passed away 4 years earlier. I immediately called house- no answer. Called his son that was listed as an emergency contact and he tells me he was just about to call us to let us know his father passed away in the night. His dad had gotten all of his paperwork with his will out of his safe, watered the house plants, put money for each of his utility payments in labeled envelopes, put on his best suit, shined his dress shoes, left a message for us at the clinic, left a message for his choir director letting him know he wouldn't need a ride to practice in two days, then he sat down in his recliner and died. (As far as I know and according to his family he didn't do or take anything to expedite his exit, he just went to sleep in that recliner)
  • My grandfather sent a text saying "Have a good night, Love ya" I had never received a text from him before, only calls about twice a year. I was confused and almost thought it was spam but finally responded. The next morning I found out he passed away peacefully in his recliner that night.
  • Open casket funeral, family gathered and someone seemed out of sorts. She was dressed casually and just kind of meandering about. I observed her for a while, she made her way to the casket and appeared to be giving the deceased some reverence. She then had to pass by me to leave and she was clearly inebriated and said to me as she was leaving "I just wanted to see a dead body.". Gave me the drunk girl grin and staggered off. She just staggered into a funeral off the street, who does that? (Funeral Director)
  • "Make the kid in the corner shut up." ~ old lady at 3 am as she points to the empty corner. There was no kid. She passed not long after. Honestly this kinda thing happens a lot. You start seeing ghosts… I’m putting the crash cart in front of your door.
  • I told a manager I’d forgotten to do something & he sent me a reply saying "that’s okay because you’re going to repay me by…? wink emoji". He’s a 55 year old man & I'm 25.
  • Said before the company potluck: "you know you can kill someone by putting eye drops in their food"
  • Paramedic. Had a call years back to a nursing home, unknown medical. We arrived and none of the staff knew who called (not unusual). We checked the rooms, located a juvenile male sitting in a room with an elderly sleeping female. He stated, quite calmly, "I was going to kill her (the woman), but I called you because you’re better." Caught us off guard in a major way. Throughout the whole process he was extremely calm, cooperative, and polite. Serious psychological issues, recognized the thoughts weren’t good and knew 911 was "better" to assure he got help. He wasn’t a visitor. Staff didn’t know how he got in or when, but it wasn’t a locked unit so he likely just walked in without anyone noticing or caring.
  • Here is mine. Working on an ambulance 5150 call. Everything is going well till he starts talking to himself. I ask him about a cool demon tattoo. He says that the demon is the one he is talking to. "He wants me to kill you before we get to the hospital. But I keep telling him that you seem like a good guy just wanting to help people and he still wants me to kill you"
  • First day at a new job: "I could stab you right now and nobody would find your body until the end of the day." All of this while stabbing his work cart with a screwdriver. Dude got passed up for a promotion and was asked to train the new guy in the same conversation with the boss. He didn't get any better over the years I worked with him. He ended up getting fired for comments like this.
  • Can I say nothing? Had a customer come up and proceed to pay for an ice cream. He never said a thing and then I looked up and there was a gun in my face. He just nodded to the other cash register and quietly ran out once he got the money. I had ptsd for a while after that, anyone who acted off and didn’t say anything triggered the shakes in me.
  • Worked in a toy store. A child to his mother. "I'm so thirsty, I could drink all the blood in you" Still shook to this day..
  • My first job when I was in high school. Worked as a clerk for a drycleaners and it was some 60-80 year old woman that had a horrible attitude every time she came in. This day she said she liked my facial hair, had that been all I'd have been fine with it. But the tone in which she said it and the look in her eye as well as the smile she gave me when she did this made my skin crawl. I went home and shaved it off after work.
  • "That ventilator you wanted for testing is ready. The patient won't be needing it any more." "Oh, they're ready to go home?" "Eh, the funeral home." The jovial nature of the response was off putting. I hadn't grown into hospital humor yet. The pandemic fixed that.

What the hell is going on at some workplaces in America? So much death and so many strange interactions. To be clear, I left off several that were far too graphic and uncomfortable to include.

I'm willing to get a bit wild and weird, but there's even a line that makes me feel my skin crawl. What I've learned after reading that thread is that I'm very blessed to have never worked in a strange place.

I can 100% say that as far as I can remember, I've never had a single super creepy work interaction. I did go through an anthrax scare with two female coworkers in 2016, but it wasn't creepy. It was just crazy, and it shut down traffic near the White House during rush hour. Fun times, but definitely not creepy.

Have you ever had a super crazy or creepy work experience? I definitely want to hear about it at

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.