People Reveal Creepiest Towns In America, And It's Pure Nightmare Fuel

Reddit users are listing the creepiest towns in America, and the discussion is fascinating.

As OutKick readers know, I love diving down Reddit rabbit holes. It's not unusual at all for me to spend hours reading absolutely insane, wild and intriguing stuff on Reddit without realizing how much time has passed.

There is always something to captivate people, and I found a doozy for you today:

The creepiest spots in America.

Let's roll.

Reddit users list the creepiest places in America.

The conversation on the thread titled "What’s the creepiest town in the USA in your opinion?" is as straightforward and simple as you'd expect. It's also wildly entertaining.

Check out the responses below, and let me know your thoughts at

  • Shreveport is like The Last Of Us at night time.
  • I was trying to find a gas station in a particularly sketch part of Shreveport and not having any luck. I was on a lonely rural road when I finally ran out of gas. No cell service. Along comes a creaky old land yacht driven by a gentleman who introduced himself as 'Sonny'. As a lone woman away from home (Baton Rouge) in a vast country landscape, I weighed my options and I took a ride with Sonny. He drove me about 20 minutes to a podunk gas station, let me borrow a can, then drove me back to my car. Thanks Sonny! You were the best part of that trip!
  • Salton Sea, CA went to clean out a family members house after they passed…didn’t see a single car on the road…or human…that whole weekend. Felt sooo creepy.
  • Barstow, California. It’s the convergence of highways in the middle of nowhere. It’s like an entire town of unhinged hitchhikers who got dumped there. Freaky sh*t.
  • I had a breakdown in Barstow many years ago. When I found out the part we needed would have to be ordered, I was like, well, I guess I’ll find a hotel. The roadside wrecker crew was like, hell no, we’re not leaving you here. They limped my car to Tehachapi. Much nicer place.
  • I was once driving on highway 58 late at night outside Barstow and stopped on the side of the road to pee and let my dog pee. While we were out of the car, a disheveled looking man with long hair and a beard suddenly appeared out of nowhere walking toward us quite quickly. He didn’t say anything just had this super creepy stare. I grabbed the pup and threw the 2 of us back in the car managing to start the car and pull away just as he reached the rear door. It was f*cking terrifying and too creepy experience of my life.
  • Amboy, California All of the stories are true. I lived out in 29 palms while my husband was stationed there a few years back. I heard stories of people getting run off the road, people pretending to have gotten in a car crash so you stop and help, candles being set up in the middle of the road, etc. His chain of command even had a meeting with them before the marine corps ball about not stopping on amboy because of how dangerous it was. I worked out there too and I know at least 10-15 bodies have been found in the last few years.
  • East St Louis, IL. Never seen a town that looked post-apocalyptic before going through there.
  • Point Pleasant, West Virginia. The Moth Man is hiding there, somewhere.
  • Whittier, Alaska Most of the town’s residents live in a single apartment building. There’s nothing else there. The town is accessible by water and a one-way tunnel through the mountain.
  • Elgin Kansas. The motto of the town is "A town too tough to die" A person told me a story about a time they stopped there on a cross country motorcycle trip. When they parked they could see people peaking round the corners of buildings. Shortly after a woman in an old dirty wedding dress came around a building pushing an old Victorian baby stroller. There wasn’t a baby in the stroller it was a toy baby. There are trees growing out of buildings. The Main Street is an out of place, super wide, brick road for herding cattle through the town back in the way back times. For such a small town of nothing, in the middle of nothing. It was for a short time "one of the World’s busiest cattle shipping towns" It’s a creepy place.
  • Covington VA. I've told this story before and I'll tell it again. A few years ago I worked as a subcontractor to banks. I was the guy who would knock on your door and tell you to call your bank on a missed payment. Anyway, I was driving in a new job territory. And as I'm driving down the road, all of a sudden, I come upon a massive fog bank. It takes a good 5 minutes to drive through it. Then once I reach the other end, it was like someone just cut the fog with a knife. It suddenly ended, and it's stone cold quite. I mean I even stopped my car and listened. No birds. No wind. No sound. Feeling creeped out, I slowly drive a bit more. And come out on top of a mountain looking down into the city valley. And it smells like hotdog water. I didn't know it then but that was due to the paper factory. As I drove into town, it was just one store front closed after another. It all felt like a Steven King movie. The whole town seemed like a zombie insect. Dead but still moving somehow. As if all that wasn't enough, the cherry on top was seeing a few Nazi flags flying in front of people's houses. After seeing those, I got out of there as fast as I could.

Had enough to make sure you're always looking over your shoulder on your next road trip? I know I have. I think it's easy for some people to forget just how massive the United States of America is: 3,809,525 square miles.

That's a lot of space for forgotten and overlooked areas. It's not as difficult to hide stuff in this country and conceal secrets if you want to. That applies to entire towns.

Look up the shooting death of Ken McElroy in Skidmore, Missouri. The man was gunned down in broad daylight without a single witness or anyone ever being charged. The prevailing theory has long been the town came together to whack him after repeated issues.

While I can't say I've ever been to any town that I'd say is super creepy, I have been in some *VERY* isolated parts of the country out west, and I can promise nobody is coming to save you if something goes wrong. Thinking about calling 911? Nice, the cops will show up in a few hours. Everyone carries a gun in their vehicle and for good reason. You're on your own in the most isolated parts of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho.

Have an interesting story about a creepy location? Let me know at

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.