Creepiest Things Kids Say Go Viral, Answers Are Pure Nightmare Fuel

A Reddit thread compiling the creepiest things kids say is almost guaranteed to keep you up at night.

As I often say, you never know what you're going to find on Reddit. One day, you might find a very uplifting or funny conversation unfolding.

Next, you might find absolute nightmare fuel. It's the latter that brings us here today.

Reddit thread of creepiest things kids say goes viral.

A viral Reddit thread titled "What’s the creepiest thing you have ever heard a child say?" is straight out of a horror movie.

Check out some of the responses below, and let me know your thoughts at

  • My four year old daughter says that before she was born she was a ghost, and when she was a ghost she would spy on us because she couldn’t wait to be alive and living with us.
  • "I'm not scared of the thing under my bed. The thing under the bed is my friend." On further questioning, the thing under his bed was our border collie, who sometimes naps there.
  • My nephew told me the basement people want my skin.
  • We had just moved into an old farm house when one night my 3 year old at the time pointed at the glass door and asked why the "other mummy" was there. I looked and couldn't see anything and asked what she looked like? my 3 year old proceeded to explain that the other mummy was dirty and muddy and had blue lips and blonde hair. I kind of froze because we were home alone together. I was like, "Oh okay, that's interesting," and he says "yes she lives under the ground. She said she had a good boy like me once, " It made my stomach drop, and I took him to my room and locked the door, haha.
  • "I'm starting to forget the names of the people who live in my head" No context. Right in the middle of clean-up time.
  • "Go back to sleep, there isn't anything under your bed". "Hes behind you now". Still haven't gotten over that one and shiver at the memory.
  • Once my son looked at me and said "oh you're having a baby!" I had just found out I was expecting and hadn't told anyone. I asked him why he said that, and he just shrugged and said "just a feeling". I miscarried less than a week later and he looked at me randomly and said "oh, no more baby". The pregnancy, miscarriage etc had never been discussed around or to him. It was so strange.
  • When my niece was about 3 she told her mum that she liked her much better than her other mummy because her other mummy was mean... "and one day she held my head under the water for too long..." Same niece, aged around 6, told me that her creepily named dolls were made of blood and bones and mud but watch out! Don't let them touch you! Because they'll turn you into a doll! I turn away from the dolls and she says to something behind me, "No Ethel, I told you, do not touch her!" She's the best.
  • My niece was talking to her imaginary friends in the back of the car. She said it was a boy and girl about her age and they were brother and sister. Then as we came near the end of a road she said this is their home, can we drop them off here? Myself and my sister were laughing about it until we reached the end of the road and it was a cemetery. She gave a little wave and said goodbye as we passed.
  • My daughter (at the time around 3) was in bed. She giggled, then asked if I had tickled her feet. No. No I hadn't.
  • "I used to be a policeman, but then I died. I was trying to stop a burglary and the burglars were really rough with me. They were really rough with me, and then I died." This was a four year old I used to babysit.
  • We were at a family gathering and my then 4 year old daughter did not want to leave. She kept repeating, "but it’s the last time we will all be together!" (as we had to literally football carry her out while wrangling our other kids). We were at a beloved Aunts home, who suddenly passed two weeks later. It was indeed the last time we were "all" together. What I wouldn’t give to have listened to my daughter in that moment and stayed longer at my Aunt’s house.
  • My son tells me stories of "scary uncle Michael" in his bedroom at night. He says he's a grey man that looks like his uncle and he climbs on walls and calls out to him and one night he tried to eat him. Yep, nightmare fuel
  • A five year old once said to me with a great deal of sympathy, "A long time ago, I used to be just like you."

Well, that might be enough internet for me today. Might be time to shut off my computer and go outside for a long time after reading those horror stories.

If those stories don't make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, then you're a braver person than I am. Those are the kinds of stories that stop you from sleeping at night, and for good reason.

It's pure nightmare fuel. Why do kids say stuff like the comments above? Your guess is as good as mine, but I think we can all agree it's terrifying.

Have you ever heard a kid say something wild or creepy? Let me know at I can't wait to hear your stories!

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.