People Shares Wildest Stories From Their Younger Years, Answers Are Must-Read

People are opening up about the craziest experiences from their youth, and the stories are awesome.

Per usual, I was scrolling Reddit while sipping on some black coffee (nothing in it because that's the cowboy way), and I stumbled upon a fascinating thread.

People sharing stories from their younger adult years.

Crazy stories from people's youth go viral.

Naturally, I couldn't click fast enough after seeing the headline, "What’s the craziest thing you did when you were 18?"

That sounds like something perfectly crafted for the OutKick audience, and I can promise that it doesn't disappoint.

Read some of the answers below, and let me know your thoughts at

  • I tried to juggle flaming marshmallows but failed miserably.
  • A 47 year old cougar. And it was a highlight of my life.
  • Went to a bar the night before my 19th (legal to drink in Ontario) and had a beer at 1130
  • I cheated on my finals which allowed me to graduate. It's what many call an "open secret", but it's definitely not voluntarily one and I don't know what would come next if it was more open.
  • Thought it was a good idea to get on a trampoline on stilts at a friend's house. I stepped onto the first stilt and put my weight on it and decided it was a bad idea. So I took my foot off and launched it into my eyebrow and needed stitches.
  • Took out a multi thousand dollar loan for a communication degree…
  • Joined the marines
  • My friends and I went to a local stream that people swam at and trying to look like a badass I told them if they jumped off the 30-40ft bridge into the water I would. And that's the day all my friends jumped off a bridge so then I did. Also won a hairy nipple contest.
  • Rejected all my uni offers and deciding to bank on an apprenticeship where I wasn’t guaranteed to get. I ended up working and investing since then, and now at 21 I am doing very well financially with no debt. For me it was the biggest risk I have ever taken and everyone doubted my decision.
  • 18th birthday. My friends and I decided to pop some pills (idk what they were), and down a bottle of vodka. My best friend had a go pro on him. Woke up the next day not remembering a f*cking thing. Played the footage back once we all woke up and found out that at some point in the night, we broke into an abandoned building in our area full of paper and lit it on fire. People were talking about it for days and we all just pretended to have no clue what happened. Not my proudest moments, but watching that footage back, it amazed me how quickly the whole thing lit up in flames.
  • Got absolutely wasted with a bunch of Yakuza in Okinawa and was basically forced to sing Green Day at karaoke with them until 5am because they said I look like the lead singer.
  • A mountain of ketamine and cocaine supplied by a very dodgy prick.
  • I entered a wet t-shirt contest on holiday, just wearing a pair of bikini bottoms and a white t-shirt.
  • Jumped off multiple bridges (into water). Nearly drowned the second time, due to hurting my right arm in the impact.
  • Found a massive weed crop, went back at night and filled my car with weed, drove through town and got home to realise i had a weed leaf covering my number plate, dried it in the attic at my parents house and sold it in one lump to some sketchy gangsta type dudes then went on to pay my first years university fees.
  • Made it to 19
  • Snuck into an abandoned hospital with my disposable camera thinking I'd get some cool artsy shots. Ended up finding a group of drama students filming a zombie movie and got cast as an extra. Still have the fake blood-stained shirt somewhere.
  • Joined the military
  • I drove my 2 door Honda civic 3 hours through 12 inches of snow to go snowboarding during a blizzard. We got an additional 16" while we were on the mountain. The round trip usually takes about 3.5 hours. We did about 7 hours of driving that day.
  • made out with somebody’s wife
  • Went to boot camp.
  • Bachelor party (no, not mine).
  • Piloted a single-propeller aircraft
  • Applied for a job at a fancy restaurant just to get closer to this cute waiter. Got hired, worked there for two weeks, then found out he had a girlfriend. Quit immediately but ended up becoming really good friends with the chef who taught me how to make amazing risotto.
  • Craziest and dumbest thing I did was run from the cops with my 17 year old girlfriend on a sportbike. In Mexico of course.
  • Not that crazy but I think my first skydive was at 18

I enjoyed the mix of pure debauchery, a few wholesome stories and then some very dumb answers that I wouldn't recommend anyone attempting.

Now, because there's a .000001% my fiancée or mom could read this, I'll keep things appropriate with my response. There's one really big one that sticks out to me.

Shortly after high school graduation, I packed up and moved to Montana without knowing *A SINGLE PERSON IN THE ENTIRE STATE.*

I didn't know anybody, but didn't want to hang around Wisconsin with everyone else. I wanted to try something new, and decided the best option was to completely cut ties and go somewhere with zero support in order to not have any crutches to lean on. I've never fully publicly spoken about my time in Montana. I'm sure someday I will.

I really liked a lot of it. Some of it was out of a horror movie and beyond description. There were certainly growing pains that come with ending up in Montana with zero connections, but that was kind of the entire point. It is a wild state full of wild people. That's both a positive and negative. If you want to find out what you're made of, move across the country and dive headfirst into a new culture without knowing anything. It's sink or swim out there, and I'm glad I did. It was a hell of a lot more formative than sticking around in Wisconsin would have been during that time period. Were all the decisions smart? No, but again, those are stories for another time.

I left nearly 15 years ago, and still haven't been back. I certainly will be someday. There's a lot of memories to brush up on, including how I left a stack of money and cash with a note in a ceiling implying there was a lot more hidden elsewhere (there wasn't). I've always wondered who found that money and what they did with it. It was definitely worth the chuckles at the time.

Do you have a crazy story from your youth? Let me know at

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.