Cracker Barrel Remodel Leaves Customers Fuming: 'It's A Cafeteria!'

For some reason, the geniuses over at Cracker Barrel HQ have decided to raise prices at certain locations, and remodel others. 

Why? Well, I assume it's because this economy is awful – despite what the fake news tries to tell you. I'm not gonna blame Cracker Barrel too much for that. Bidenomics, baby! Elections have consequences, folks. Don't you forget it. 

As for the remodeling … yeah, I can't blame Joe Biden for that one. Not yet, at least. I'll find a way if you give me a few minutes. 

Now, personally, I don't think it's that big of a difference. It looks a little different, but not anything crazy. But I'm also not a die-hard. 

I love Cracker Barrel, don't get me wrong. Love it. Just feels like home when I walk in. Grandpa's breakfast? The best. But I'm not obsessed with it. 

Some folks are, and they are FUMING this morning at this below video:

Leave Cracker Barrel alone you crooks!

See? I mean, it's not that different, is it? I do like the sound diffusers in the dining room. Those will be clutch. It gets loud as hell in there, mainly because most of the clientele can't hear. 

Anyway, there are some differences. It's definitely a little more modern, which is NOT what we, as great Patriots, sign up for when we go to a Cracker Barrel. We want to escape this miserable era we're in, and be transported to a simpler time. 

You ain't getting that with leather seats by the checker boards. No sir. 

Let's get a quick pulse!

I could go on and on. It's a bloodbath in there. But, you get the picture. 

As for what else is going on at our beloved institution, let's check in with CEO Julie Felss Masino, who suggested in a May conference call that they will raise prices at certain locations. 

"For example, we have stores in metro areas with an average annual household income of $55,000 in the same pricing tier as one with $90,000," she told investors on the call, according to The Sun. 

Thanks, Joe! This didn't happen in Trump's America. I can't even fathom what it'll look like in a Harris America. 

Vote, vote, vote!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.