Coward: Liberal Chicago Politician Defends Massive Teenager Riot As "A Mass Protest"

You know how I know we're screwed as a society? When our own elected officials purposely refuse to confront a problem even though its staring them straight in the face.

Video went viral over the weekend of a massive Chicago "Teen Takeover," gathering that quickly turned into a scene of rioting and looting.

Let's take a look at some of the scenes that the mainstream media and Chicago politicians don't want you to see:


The chaos - which was organized across social media, quickly got out of hand as hundreds of Chicago's youth began rioting, loitering, destroying cars, businesses and even sending some bystanders to the hospital. In one instance, they jumped on a car, dragged the driver out and beat him up bad enough they sent him to the hospital.

Three people were also shot.

So you'd think that local Chicago politicians would be outraged, right? That they would be screaming at the top of their lungs that those that were involved in this past weekend's chaos be brought to justice.

Ah, not so fast my friends - this is Chicago after all.

No, there will be no consequences for many of those that participated in the riots over the weekend. That's because liberal politicians like Illinois State Senator Robert Peters refuse to see reality for what it is.

Sen. Peters tweeted out that we should "look at the behavior of young people as a political act and statement. It's a mass protest against poverty and segregation."

Hey genius - uhh, no it wasn't.

97% of those involved did it because they thought it would be FUN and they knew they could get away with it. They went their with the intent to stir things up, to go absolutely crazy and to destroy stuff. It had nothing to do with a protest against segregation you idiot.

And the reason why it happened and it WILL HAPPEN AGAIN is exactly because of your B.S.
By not instituting any law and order but actually undermining it with your political grandstanding, you are the problem. There needs to be punishments and accountability for those that break the law, not just a handful of arrests with many of those people immediately released.

Let's look at another video of Peters "mass protest" as if it was equivalent to Tiananmen Square in his eyes.

Looks great, Senator!


If you're not paying attention, you need to start. These are America's cities right now. And it's not going to get any better if people keep selecting those like the newly elected Mayor Brandon Johnson.

In a statement, the mayor-elect said although he condemned the teenagers actions, he believes it's "not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities."

Ah yes, the old "you just don't understand them," argument. It's not them - it's everyone else's fault.

I'm sure every Chicago business owner is lining up to hire everyone that was involved in the "political act," over the weekend.

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