Couple Leaves Baby At Airport Check-In Counter In An Attempt To Catch Their Flight
A couple left their baby at an airport check-in counter earlier this week after showing up late for their flight. This wasn't a Home Alone situation either. The parents left their child behind on purpose.
The couple was traveling from Tel Aviv to Brussels on January 31. They showed up late at the check-in counter and didn't have a ticket for their baby. They didn't let that keep them from attempting to catch their flight.

Baby left at check-in counter (Image Credit: Twitter)
The two parents of the year nominees left the baby at the check-in counter then made their way to security. Not to turn themselves in, but to try to board the plane without their baby.
The employees were shocked by what they had witnessed and took a video of the abandoned child sitting in a car seat. A Ryanair manager said, "We have never seen anything like it. What we saw was incredible."
The Israel Airports Authority said, "A couple and an infant with Belgian passports arrived for a flight at Terminal 1 without a ticket for the baby."
"The couple also arrived late for the flight, once the check-in for the flight was closed."
They added that the parents then "left the infant seat with the baby and ran toward the security checks at Terminal 1 in an attempt to reach the boarding gate for the flight."
These Two Were Arrested Right?
Airport security was called and the parents, who did not make it on the plane, were reunited with their child. The local police also contacted and matter is no longer being investigated.
It seems like there should be someone doing more investigating. These people were willing to leave their child at an airport, and hope for the best, just to catch a flight.
It seems like there's a better than zero chance that these two leave this kid somewhere before it's able to fend for itself.