Coronabro Says Kid Rock's Summer Concerts Should Be Called - 'Superspreader Tour'
The coronabros are out in full force this week over the news that Kid Rock would have the audacity to go on tour in 2022 as the world heads into its third year of COVID. It was such a triggering moment for coronabro Alex Young, who founded influential music website Consequence of Sound, that he gave Rock's tour a new name.
" calling it the 'Bad Reputation Tour,' but given the rocker’s repeated disregard for COVID safety protocols, 'Kid Rock’s 2022 Superspreader Tour' feels like a more appropriate name," Young writes.
"Back in November, Kid Rock self-flagellated to Conservative tropes with his latest single, 'Don’t Tell Me How to Live.' It was just the latest in a serious of instances in which Kid Rock proved himself to be the absolute worse ," Young continued.

Poor Alex.
Imagine the life he's going to live from here on out where every time he sees an image or video of Rock, he's immediately going to hope someone in the crowd got COVID and died so his narrative will fit and he will be proven right.
This is a great moment to go back to a story I like to bring up when the coronabros go after one of their favorite targets like Rock and label his tour a "Superspreader Tour."
Remember back in the summer of 2021 when Lollapalooza was being called one of the most secure concerts in the world and how Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was going to unleash COVID checkpoints that were going to require people to show their papers and how Chicago was going to have the safest packed concerts in the world?
Remember how people had to show a vaccination card that wasn't checked against that person's ID? Remember how big of a joke and a case of COVID theater that was? You could've shown a pizza receipt, and they would've let you into that concert.
You'll never guess what Alex's site reported. That's right, Lollapalooza wasn't a superspreader event! Of course it wasn't because nobody cares about safety like the $10/hour people checking vax cards at the entrance! Look at how much they cared.