Connor Stalions Netflix Leak Shows He's A Psychopath Sign Stealer

We already knew Michigan Man Connor Stalions was a psychopath sign stealer would would do anything to help Michigan win football games and finally destroy Ohio State. 

Now, in a leak of his upcoming Netflix documentary to be released August 27, we get to see (allegedly) how Stalions created a "game day sheet."

Keep in mind, Michigan fans are convinced Jim Harbaugh and all other members of the Michigan staff are innocent here. They played no role, Michigan fans say. 

"I propped my phone up and just recorded myself doing every possible signal I could ever imagine," Stalions tells Netflix. "Any signal I've ever seen, any signal that we've done, any signal that any other team's have done, and any variation of any signal."

The guy who wore a costume to stand on the sidelines of a Central Michigan-Michigan State game says he was just hungrier and wanted it more. He claims to have recorded himself doing somewhere around 2,000 to 3,000 hand signals that were put into a database. 

"Instead of memorizing words, I was memorizing pictures," Stalions continues. "I would say that is the number one reason why I became as good as I did at deciphering signals."

Michigan fans will stand on the fact that Stalions went rogue by himself. Their head coach didn't need Stalions' help, they say. 

Will Stalions tell Netflix how he obtained all of his sideline hand signals?

So we know Stalions doesn't deny keeping a database of hand signals used by teams. How'd he come up with all that intel?

In early August, Sports Illustrated reported that Central Michigan had "moved on" from quarterbacks coach Jake Kostner. Why does that matter?

Kostner worked for four years as a student assistant at Michigan and knew Stalions, SI reports, before taking a job at Central. 

If you're hoping for Connor Stalions to say something incriminating in the Netflix documentary, you're going to be disappointed

Remember, we're dealing with a psycho here who absolutely loves Michigan football more than pretty much anything else in life. His mom loves Michigan. She HATES Ohio State

We're talking about people who would take a bullet for Jim Harbaugh. We're talking about a guy who was a Captain in the Marines. 

What you're going to hear on August 27 is that Stalions was a genius mastermind who obtained signs without cheating, the rules weren't bent in Michigan's favor, it just meant more to Stalions and at the end of the day he is completely innocent of any wrongdoing and is a victim of a witch-hunt. 

Don't say I didn't warn you. 


Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.