Congresswoman Nancy Mace Enters Politician Swimsuit Drama

As the wokes on the left attack great Florida congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna because of her MAGA swimsuit, one of her Great American Colleagues is coming to her defense.  

Nancy Mace, the excellent congresswoman from the state of South Carolina, entered the political swim trunk drama late Wednesday night, not only pledging her allegiance to Anna, but then sending shockwaves across the political spectrum by unveiling her own bathing suit. 

And buddy, it is a DOOZY:

Nancy Mace and Anna Paulina Luna are who we need right now

Amazing. This chick? She gets it. Like Sunshine State Anna Paulina Luna, Nancy Mace fully gets it. Some do. Some don't. 

Nancy and Anna do. It's why we, great Americans, put them in office. Drain the swamp, baby! Drill baby drill! Wait, that last one doesn't work here. Sorry. Got carried away. 

Anyway, back to Anna Paulina. The congresswoman from my great state rocked the internet yesterday morning because an old modeling video of her dancing in a Make American Great Again swimsuit went mega-viral on Elon's Twitter. 

I can't put my finger on exactly why, though. Perhaps you can help:

The fellas in analytics tell me that that above tweet has over 3 million views, and it's just one of a dozen different ones currently circulating the internet. 

Now, Anna could've gone two ways with this one. She could've had the videos scrubbed from the internet – although that seems like something the Harris Administration is good at, so I'm not sure if she would've gotten much help – or she could've told the haters to piss off. 

She's in Florida, folks. What the hell route do you think she chose?

This is the America I signed up for, folks. A couple hot congresswomen, going to battle together in their swimsuits. What does Trump always say? They're coming after us, and he's just standing in their way. That's Anna and Nancy right now. 

This is what they're trying to steal from us. Can't let it happen. Not again. Remember, elections have consequences. Be smart come November. 

Make Anna and Nancy Great Again!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.