Congress Has Just Named This City As The Pizza Capital Of The Country

We've all been there before. 

You'll be out with friends or talking to people you just met when suddenly the conversation shifts to what else, but food. And, just like the primal beasts that humans are - we become very territorial with our hometown because, well, this is OUR hometown we're talking about!

But when it comes to food - EVERYBODY thinks that their town has the best ‘something.’ Be it chicken parm, Chinese food, the cannolis at the local bakery, hot dog joint, whatever - "you have to try it because it’s to die for!." And when it comes to pizza? Oh boy, you best gear up because there are few things that bring out a more passionate subject than that good ol' tomato sauce, cheese and dough masterpiece.

But now, the city of New Haven, Connecticut may have the ultimate pizza bragging rights as it's now been entered into the U.S. Congressional record that they are the ‘Pizza Capitol of the United States!’


Earlier this week, Connecticut Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro officially entered the pizza proclamation into the Congressional record. 

"Known for everything from a plain sauce to a white claim to a mashed potato, I proudly rise today to claim New Haven as the 'Pizza Capital of the United States!' While there are other states with their own pizza traditions, Connecticut has more pizzerias of any state per capita and the most family owned pizzerias in the country," DeLauro said on the House floor. 

She then began explaining how it's not called ‘pizza’ but rather ‘Apizza,’ based on the original pronunciation from hundreds of years ago. 

Got to hand it to Congresswoman DeLauro and our elected officials - always tackling the very important subjects! 


You've got to hand it to Rep. DeLauro for the power move. Anyone at anytime could have done what she did - but you know what? They didn't and thus she won the pizza battle.

Other cities, however are saying hold the extra cheese and are calling blasphemy on the New Haven pizza praise.

"More than a century of satisfied customers, the residents of the five boroughs, and nearly 62 million visitors to New York City each year have already settled what was never really a debate- New York City is the premiere destination for pizza. Period. The residents of New Haven know the country’s best pizza is just a short train ride away and this claim is just a cheesy stunt," one New York City Hall representative told the New Haven Register.


As a longtime New Yorker, there's no doubt that New York has its great share of pizza places - John's of Bleecker Street, Una Pizza Napoletana, Grimald's Pizzeria in Brooklyn, etc. Really solid ones. But New Haven? I mean New Haven may have us beat. 

So, I asked the OutKick readers what they thought about the popular pizza debate and what city could live up to the esteemed honor of being the U.S. Pizza Capital. Check out what they had to say below - and not shockingly, New Haven was mentioned multiple times. 

Let me know your pizza thoughts - tweet me @TheGunzShow or Email me: 

Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.