A Completely Broken Rosie O'Donnell Gives An Unhinged State Of The Union From Ireland

Donald Trump has pushed out roughly 4,7000 executive orders since retaking the White House in January. 

He's killed DEI – and Jackie Robinson, by accident!

He's lowered the price of eggs, despite MSNBC refusing to cover it. 

He's given us the Gulf of America, fairer trade (still a work in progress), demolished the insufferable Department of Education, and saved women from getting pummeled by men between the hashes. 

All great things, no doubt, and he's just getting started. Wait till he abolishes income tax sometime around the Fourth of July!

But none of it – and I mean NONE OF IT – compares to him forcing the lunatic Hollywood elites to flee the country. And while Ellen DeGeneres skipping town was/is great, it doesn't hold a candle to mentally-ill Rosie O'Donnell escaping to Ireland earlier this month. 

Speaking of … let's check in with Rosie on her 63rd birthday!

Rosie O'Donnell is crushing Ireland!

Good God. Rosie! Blink twice if you're being held hostage! Hold up a newspaper with today's date, PLEASE! I hear the Irish Times is a good one. 

Let's get to some of the hits from this 10-minute goldmine:

"I feel healthier, I’m sleeping better without the stress and anxiety over what was happening politically in the country."

"We felt, as a family, this was the safest and best thing for us to do. Sadly, it looks like we were correct."

"What's happening in the United States is overwhelmingly depressing, unconstitutional, illegal, criminal, and I'm so, so very sad."

"Let's hope the world and the nation rally against the current administration for their horrific ideas for what will make America great again. And it's not racism! And it's not homophobia. It's equality for all!"

Just a home run here from Rosie, who spends the rest of her time talking about how less fat she is. If that interests you, by all means, continue watching. I couldn't take it anymore. 

Anyway, good stuff all around. Sounds like Rosie is enjoying Ireland!

Wonder if she'll be voting for Conor McGregor in the next election? God, I would LOVE that. Could you imagine the absolute horror Rosie O'Donnell would face if she fled the USA because of Trump, only to fall under a Conor McGregor administration? PLEASE let it happen. Please, please, please. 

In any event … Happy Birthday, Rosie! We miss ya. 

Good luck, Ireland. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.